Rant rant

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So basically I hate the continuous tradition of Christmas.

Please don't be offended, this is just my own personal opinion.

Cuz idk

Christmas is kinda getting annoying

Im a very lazy person who hates going in lines

So I definitely hate it when my family forces me to take a picture with "Santa" in a mall, but for a bonus, the line is pretty freaking long.

And I hate standing and waiting.

I'm not the type of person who enjoys every single tradition. It just gets sorta tiring.

I don't really have a holiday spirit because I just sorta want things to get over with, I don't like spending 1 - 2 hours sitting at a table and eating while just hearing my relatives talk and talk and talk while I don't because I'm not a good talker.

I just don't really care about any sort of tradition.

The only thing I like about holidays or traditions is that I spend time off of school.

It's like one of those old religion/tradition stuff where you have limits to what you can do or what you can eat.

Just lemme eat some damn food.

I like the idea of mistletoe though.

Wink wonk

But I'm just saying that I'm not a big fan of traditions or holidays because I have no point of enjoying them

Except having some time to rest and spend time with my family

But my family thinks I'm a killjoy h a h

I really am tho

I can get really impatient and frustrated that I start to get really angry

All I want for Christmas are some hoodies and a certain someone to get me through the day

WHICH brings me to the conclusion that I will always be lonely with the lack of physical and verbal contact.

Also Santa should be here right now

Also I just heard someone call Ralph (from Wreck-It-Ralph) a villain

U m


Well my phone's about to die so


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