6 - All The Support

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Louis woke up at 9am again the next morning because he had a lot of sorting out to do. He knew for a fact that management were going to call him in today for a meeting and he needed to be on alert for whenever he was needed to come in. Plus, his phone couldn't stop buzzing from the notifications he was getting. All the events from last night started to sink again and he groaned, fisting up his sheets because he wanted all the thoughts to disappear. He wasn't prepared to go through his phone and have a permanent picture memory of all the mistakes he made last night. Louis clearly avoided taking his close friends out because something always went terribly wrong and this was a prime example.

Louis checked his phone, flinching slightly when he realised there was 10 messages and 3 missed calls from Liam and 20 messages and 5 missed calls from Niall. Louis knew they had heard what happened and were probably calling to check up, maybe sneak a lecture in and he wasn't looking forward to it. But, he felt even more bad when he realised that Zayn hadn't bothered to drop him a message or check up on how he was dealing with the whole media blowing up about the events - he wasn't surprised though. He couldn't blame Zayn for being angry at him.

Louis sighed, scrolling through the messages and saw that Liam and Niall had both sent a video someone had taken and hundreds of photos of the club last night. He tried not to look at them, not wanting to be reminded as he scrolled down to the messages.

'Its all over the internet! Twitter, instagram, everything. What the fuck happened?' Niall had left a message, his concern and anger could be practically heard from the text. Louis shook his head, clicking on Liam's conversation.

'I don't talk to you for one day and come back with news you punched Zayn? Call me asap.' Liam had said.

He groaned, deciding to call Niall first because he knew he was going to be more supportive about it. Instead of dwelling on what has happened, he would encourage and find ways to move on from it and that's why he loved Niall. He was still pretty tired, a headache from last night as he cleared his throat and put the phone to his ear.

Niall picked up after two rings. "Lou! What happened last night?" His worried, tense voice came from the other line, not even a greeting. 

Louis coughed, running a hand through his messy hair. "Is it bad?" He asked instead because he was too afraid to go online and see all the tweets, all the hate he was getting. He was brave when it came with dealing with hate but right now, he was already in a fragile state and he couldn't deal with it. He had enough going on his plate and he really couldn't be bothered to go through all his fans comments, other irrelevant people dropping their inputs in.

"So bad, Lou. The tweets haven't shut up since and it's been trending first worldwide since last night." Niall sounded strained, like he was purposely avoiding giving out too much information. Knowing Niall, he probably sat there going through each tweet and shaking his head to himself in disgust at the comments. 

Louis groaned, punching his pillow in frustration. "What kind of things are they saying?"

"That you're a terrible friend because you punched Zayn." There was a long pause on the line as Louis sucked in a deep breath.

"What else?"

"Well, they're assuming you're gay because you got ticked off about someone calling you a faggot."

Louis rolled his eyes. "I am gay though."

"We all know that but the public and your management doesn't. Remember, there was a clear reason why we didn't share it with anyone?"

"Yeah, in case it affected my career." He thought about the first conversation he had with Niall about being famous, his image and he remembers exactly how it went. They had decided it was best to keep his sexuality to himself, acting like he had no interest in boys and rather, stay out of love interests in general because it brought in a lot of trouble. Louis was too delicate, pain too raw on his heart to be bombarded with another issue that he had to deal with.

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