Chapter 13

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"What do I need to know?" I looked at them in confusion.

"Aish! This is going to drive me crazy!" Hobi said in frustration and tossed me my phone.

He stood up there with Namjoon who's hands are shoved in his pockets. I opened my phone and ignored all my notifications. I opened Miah's messages asking me where I am. Then I opened SNS and saw the number 1 trending post.

Rumors or not? These pictures of Ariah and V have been spreading through the internet. Apparently, Ariah lost consciousness back in her hotel room in Dubai when she did her latest fashion show by Michael Cinco. Sources said that V was in her hotel room that night and he was the one to bring her to the hospital. Sources were not sure what the cause is, some speculate that she's pregnant.

If she is, who could be the father? Months ago, Park Jimin and Ariah have confirmed their relationship status and now, the same thing happens again where the three of them are dragged into a big speculation. Same sources have also speculated that she and V are cheating on Park Jimin.

My blood started to boil. My fist started to clench and my breathing became ragged. I knew Tae went to Dubai that day but Miah never mentioned anything regarding this. Is this the reason why she didn't accept my proposal? Him and Taehyung are playing behind my back and now she's pregnant? Now I understand what those pregnancy tests are for. They're not for me but for Taehyung. The sole image of them in the bed drives me crazy.

"Where's Taehyung?" I asked in satoori.

"Jimin," Namjoon said trying to calm me down.

"I'm asking where he is," I said and I started to search his room.

They both followed me to his room.

"He went out," Hobi said.

Before they could even say anything, I slipped on my shoes and went out. Hobi came running behind me.

"I'm coming with you," he gripped my shoulder.

"No!" I stubbornly said.

"I'm coming with you or you'll stay here in the house," he said through gritted teeth.

I just glared at him and entered my car. He snapped his seatbelt on and I pressed the gas heading to Miah's flat.

Fuck this!

"Calm down Jimin, it's Hyun mi you're going to speak to," he said before I pressed in her code.

Once I entered, she's there seated on her couch now looking at me. She stood up and I'm trying my best to control my anger.

Hyun mi's POV

My heart is pounding so loud on my chest when I saw the expression on Jimin's face. Ofcourse he'll be angry, ofcourse he'll act this way. He doesn't know what happened.

"Jimin," I started.

"What Miah? How long have you been fucking with me huh?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"I wasn't Jimin, please listen to me," I pleaded. I can already feel my head shooting short pains down the nape of my neck to my spine.

If it means I have to tell him about my cancer now just to clear things up, I will.

"Listen to what? Your bullshit?" he snarled.

"No, baby listen to me," I tried to hold his hand.

I saw Hobi exit the flat.

He flinched away and I'm trying my best not to panic.

"For once Miah, will you please be fucking honest with me?" his eyes are menacing. I've never seen him this angry.

"I am honest with you, please listen to me," I pleaded. I'm trying my best not to cry, not now.

"It's not what you think Jimin—" he cut me off again.

"If you'll say that's my child I will fucking kill Taehyung," his words seeth with anger.

"That's what those preganancy tests are for right? It's for Taehyung right? You're scared he might get you pregnant! Fuck Miah, do you know how much this fucking hurts?!" he started yelling.

"Everything makes sense now. That's why you kept on passing out, that's why you vomit at times and you're mood swings are bad. Why haven't I noticed this. Is it why you slept with me the last time Miah? So it would seem like that baby is my child?!"

What no! I am not pregnant.

"Jimin I am not—"

"Oh, so now you're going to deny Miah? It's fucking shoved in my face already,"

I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. My head is aching so much, I can feel the jolts of pain shocking my finger tips. He's not moving but I can hear his fast heart beat.

He pulls me away from him and stared at me coldly.

"You only made me look like an idiot Miah. You know how I felt about you yet you did this," he said in a bleak tone.

"We're done," he said with finality.

"Please Jimin, listen to me. Those aren't true. Please listen to me," my vision is blurry from my tears.

"I didn't know you were such a whore," he raised his brow.

No one ever called me that. The world seems to stop revolving around us. His words hitting my heart so hard.

I wouldn't mind if other people say that to me but hearing Jimin call me a whore hit it a home run.

I just stood there and stared at him, my tears refusing to fall. The only evidence I have that I am still able to feel something are the pains being shoot down to the nape of my neck down to my spine, the pain that's pooling in my head. But it feels like I am numb already.

I just stared back at his angry cold eyes.

"You won't even listen to me," I said in defeat. My lips set in a staight line.

"I just wish I never met you," he snapped and left my apartment leaving me frozen in my spot.

He regrets everything about us. I started laughing and crying at the same time. My vision finally giving up on me when I saw Hobi entered my flat who's now running towards me.

To whoever they worship above,

Can I just die right now?


I can't believe I wrote that 😥😥
I know ya'll want to kill me!!!

I can't believe I wrote that 😥😥I know ya'll want to kill me!!!

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- Haeun ❤

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