Chapter 19

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Jungkook's POV

"Hyung," I greeted Taehyung once he arrived here.

"How is she?" he asked walking straight to the couch and sits down.

He took his coat off and tousled his hair to get rid of the snow that has been sprinkled over his head. For some reason, the snow is still falling heavy outside. It's still freezing cold and as much as I'd like to take Hyun mi out for a stroll, I can't. I still need to wait for her stitches to atleast close the wound up.

"She's been having nightmares, she even screams in her sleep. But in the morning, when she wakes up, she's still like that," I sighed in frustration.

I can feel my body so tired but I need to be strong. Taehyunng took his head in between his hands and sniffled.

"I talked to mngr. Sejin. He said it's okay for you to stay here until she recovers," he filled me in.

I just nodded at that and joined him in the sofa leaning my head back.

"She doesn't deserve this," I started tearing up again.

"I know," Taehyung said and patted my shoulder. "She's strong Jungkook. I know she'll get through this,"

"How hyung? She doesn't even like to undergo chemo,"

"She will,"

"I don't know what to do hyung. I can't afford loosing her,"

"You won't lose her Jungkook,"

I just continued crying, pouring out all my worries, frustrations and pain. I am beyond terrified to lose her and it's just been gnawing at my heart.

"Jimin?" I asked.

"Forget about him, he just doesn't care Jungkook. If he does, he should've already went to see her. It's been almost a month now,"

"He's the only way we could save her. He's our only hope,"

Taehyung just kept sighing.

"Jimin is the only one who can snap her back to reality. You saw how she responds to Jimin's voice," as much as I hate the idea, I am willing to do anything just to save her.

"I don't know Jungkook. I know you haven't seen him ever since Hyun mi got her surgery. He's changed, he turned into someone I don't know, someone we don't know,"

"Even then hyung, we both knew he'll act like this. He is as stubborn as hell but I can't think of any other solutions,"

"I'll see what I can do," he said before standing up to go to her room.

I followed him behind and leaned on the door frame. She is still staring at nothing. Taehyung leaned in to kiss her forehead before sitting back down on the chair. He held her right hand in both of his hand and started saying a silent prayer.

It would be much easier if Taehyung was the one Hyun mi loves. We should be already starting to plan about her chemo but here we are, still looking for the best way to snap her out of that nothingness she is in. Still devating whether Jimin will help or not.

I know she loves Jimin so much, so much that I already hate it. She is stubborn, he is stubborn. Nothing works between them. They always, always end up hurting each other.

"Nurse!" Taehyung started to call out.

Hyun mi is having another seizure again. I ran quickly towards her and so did her nurse. She instructed us to restrain her so she can inject something on her IV. The oxygen tube still attached to her nose. This is the quickest way to calm her down. If we just wait for her to calm down herself, the stitches on her surgery might open again and that's the last thing we want to happen.

I started to feel my tears choking me again as I watch my sister's body go through this. Taehyung stood up and hugged me tightly.

"Dr. Harry wants to speak with you," the nurse said when Tae pulled out of the hug. I reached for the phone and pressed it against my ear.

"Jungkook, this is getting dangerous. Tell me what your plans are so we know what to do next. Another seizure from her, another fever, she'll die. Cancer cells are quickly spreading to her body, we need to do something. Soon her nervous system will follow and then her respiratory system. Jungkook, you might permanently lose her if you don't make up your mind,"

"I will, I'll call you once I did,"

"Okay then, I hope to hear from you as soon as possible," then the call ended.

I turned to look at Hyun mi. I don't know what to do anymore. She will hate me if I gave a consent to the hospital to treat her. She hates the idea of chemo. I want her to atleast be physically and mentally prepared before her chemo. I want her full consent but I can't even talk to her. She won't even respond.

"Hyung, what do I do now?" I asked Taehyung with defeated tone.

"We'll figure it out," he encouraged.

These are the times I needed our parents. It's so unfair for her ro be going through this at a very young age. She's still at the peak of her career. Nk, she's still a rising star. Why is this happening?

"Oppa," Ji ni knocked on Hyun mi's door.

I turned towards her and nodded. She slowly walked towards us and sat down on the side of the bed. She reached for Hyun mi's left hand and just held it there. She's not saying a word. After a couple of seconds, she finally released a long breath.

"I miss her already," she said softly.

"We all do," I agreed with her.

"Her songs are still on the top charts oppa. Especially that song she wrote for you. She's still winning awards even though she's here fighting her illness," she informed me.

"I love that song," I remembered hearing it for the first time.

It was the best gift I could ever wish for. PTE and her management have been sending food regularly. They even come to visit her sometimes, even back when we were at the hospital.

Her sutuation is being completely covered by YG. They want to protect her privacy. They make sure no one knows anything about this. Even when the public started to realize that she's been MIA this past month.

She haven't been able to be in their fansigns, their performances even just to receive award. Thebother PTE members have been doing their best to atleast stay relevant in the industry so their management started releasing their individual solo albums and mixtapes. They've been into endorsements lately and some dramas.

"What do we do now?" she asked me.

I look over to Taehyung seeking for answer as well.

"I'm going to go get Jimin,"


- Haeun ❤

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- Haeun ❤

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