Chapter 35

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I looked around Miah's monument back here in Busan. Her portraits are hang on the wall. Mannequins are all decked up in her iconic costumes from her era. They're all covered in large glass boxes. The isle is leading to her urn, a blown up portrait of hers behind it.

It's been 60 years since she passed away and I'm still grieving.

I walk to her urn passing by all her iconic costumes. My reflection on the scattered mirror catches my now old appearance. My grey hair peeking through my dyed ones.

I stopped just infront of her urn and smiled.

"I came my wife. How are you?" I greeted.

My knees going weak from my old age. I shouldn't be here right now but I just need to.

I placed the bouquet I bought on my way here. My once firm hand is now wrinkly from old age.

"Hyung, lay her here," I heard Jungkook behind me.

I refuse to set her body down but I know eventually, I needed to. Everyone was quiet when we entered. They knew by how limp Miah's body is on my back.

Her color has drastically changed and by the looks on our faces, they felt it instantly. Jennie started sobbing quietly as Yoongi hugs her. We shut all their cries outside. Jungkook closing the door.

My knees feels so weak and my hands are numb and shaking.

I set her down on her bed and tucked her in like I usually do. I kissed her forehead and her lips. I burried my head on her chest when I felt another fit of sob rises up my throat.

Jungkook just sat down on the floor and continued crying. His head being cradled by his own hands.

"Aaahhh, shincha," he said as he continues to try and calm himself.

I held her hand and lied down beside her. There's still some warmth left in her body and I intend to stay here until it's gone.

Jungkook started singing the song Miah wrote for him before she had her leave the industry.

We just both stared into the air until we've calmed ourselves down.

By the time we did, I stood up and walked towards the door to open it. I motioned them to come and one by one they entered her room.

Jennie and Chaeyoung went straight to her and cried beside Miah. Jungkook and Yoongi nearby.

"Rest well Hyun mi," Chaeyoung said while stroking her head over her beanie.

Jennie was speechless. She just held her hand throughout the next hours we stayed here.

Her members were on the foot of her bed crying. They can't look straight at her and I understand them so I didn't push them to come nearer. They never thought this would even happen, atleast not today. I myself wasn't even ready for this. I thought it was going to be a day like any other day, I was wrong.

I gestured Tae to come near. He hesitantly did and sauntered near her. He covered his mouth with his hand as he looks away. Tears pouring down his eyes.

He leaned forward to kiss the same spot I kissed on her forehead. He then turned to me and hugged me tight.

"She's resting now," he said.

I just nodded at that and we both turned to look at her.

We purposely stayed here until Dr. Harry arrived. We all were silent watching her in her bed when the team came in to collect her body for cremation.

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