CHAPTER 1: What A Great Christmas!

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I have just finished my training for becoming the new Moon Goddess and even though my training technically had started when I was born, I just got done with the ACTUAL training a month ago. Which was nice since that was a couple of weeks before my mother died from being sick for a couple years. 

I come from a family line of great Moon Goddesses and am proud to become one as well. Except, I'm still a little nervous knowing what all it involves and am worried that I might disappoint. 

I'm twenty years old and sure am supposed to take over after my mother died but to be honest, I expected it to be when I was at least in my forties and had had more training. Many say that it's in my blood and that I'll be fine but I still feel nervous and a little worried. 

Today, I was going in front of the Wolf council to speak with the Elders in how we were going to go about in announcing me to the Wolf community as me being the new Moon Goddess. Nobody has ever known my true identity in who's daughter I was for my own safety I was told. So I get in the car and my driver takes me over to the big building. 

I still get nervous when I sit with all of them and they're all looking at me. I felt better when my mother was with me by my side. 

When I take my seat, I close my eyes and take in a deep breath then let it out and take a look around. 

"Mystic. You have been called here in front of us in this private meeting to discuss in your announcement to all wolves about you being the new Moon Goddess. However, we need to put that aside for a moment." He suggests.

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused. 

"We had been hoping to announce you to everyone at our annual Christmas Ball but there seems to be a problem that has come to our attention recently." He begins. "It seems that before your father had died, he was in debt with a certain pack who throughout the past several years had disappeared off our radar. Then recently, not sure how exactly, he found out about your mother and has sent us certain messages to ensure us that he is coming for you. Apparently your father never paid off a great dead he owed them and is wanting to come after you."He says bluntly. 

"But I thought that nobody knew who I was?" I asked. 

"Well, true. Very few do and unfortunately, he's one of the few that does know. Your father told them about you and your mother many years ago and for some reason has decided to return." He says the last part while not making eye contact with me anymore after noticing him fighting back some tears. 

"So then what do I do? Change my appearance? My name?" I asked half jokingly but immediately noticed no one as laughing and instead had looks on their faces that showed sympathy. 

"Sort of." He begins. "You see, since not many know what you look like, you can change your name and we have already set it up for you to stay with the best Wolf pack there is." 

"So then they now know who I am?" I ask. 

"Not exactly. We just told them your first name and that you are very important to all wolves and are a princess." He states. 

"Why can't they know who I am if they're protecting me?" 

"Because, just in case someone in his pack happens to accidentally let it slip out that you are the new Moon Goddess, it won't be just your life in danger." He states. 

I don't want anyone to get hurt over me. Especially because my father owed some asshole for doing some kind of business with. 

"I take it I don't have a choice." I say. 

"I'm afraid not. But don't worry, you'll be safe with this pack. The Alpha is one of the strongest and best I have ever met." He says with his held high with confidence. 

I look around at everyone and they all still have the look of sympathy on their faces. So I finally close my eyes and feel deep down inside that I know what my mother would want me to do. 

"Alright. I'll go. For how long though?" I ask. 

"However long it takes." He says. 

I just nod in agreement and right then and there the meeting ends. Everyone hugs me and at first I was going to ask in why I couldn't just stay with one of them but The head Elder told me that it would be too obvious of a place.

Gee, this is going to be a great Christmas. (Note the sarcasm)

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)        Sorry guys it took me a while to post my stories, the WIFI here at the hotel is crap and I've been having issues all day long. But, now we're good. So I'm going to post the next chapter from the Alpha's POV in a few minutes and then will post more when I wake up and after running a few errands. Hope you like this story.  :);)

A Luna For ChristmasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora