CHAPTER 15: Who Was That?!?

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There was a big part of me that wanted to tell him because I felt it would probably change things for the better and help the tension. But then the other part of me interrupted that idea and quickly reminded me that there was a huge chance that it could go the complete opposite way and actually make things worse. So I stopped myself.

He looked at me though in a curious way. Probably thinking I had something to hide.

I hate having to hide things from people especially when they're helping me but hopefully this will all be over soon.

We both got out of the hot tub and went off to our rooms for the rest of the night and as I laid in bed and not sure why but I was thinking about the non-awkward moments for the first since I arrived that happened just minutes ago with me and Dorian. It was nice and for once, had given me a little glimpse of hope.


When a few days pass by, Jade and I decided to go out for the day.

It was nice and we were having fun. We actually were shopping for Christmas decorations since it was a few weeks away and luckily as part of this deal, I have  access to my money, so that's good.

When we were finished shopping we headed back to the house and noticed a car that looked suspicious parked outside.

Once Jade pulled into the driveway, she unbuckled and turned off the engine.

"Stay in here and lock the door." She says before getting out.

"What's going on?" I ask her.

"Just stay here." She says before closing the door and making her way into the front door.

Scared, I begin looking around every few minutes to make sure nobody was sneeking up on me from out of nowhere and then would look back at the house waiting for something to happen. Rather it was screaming or an explosion, something. Mostly because I started feeling nervous and sick to my stomach as the minutes went by due to my nerves.

I'm not sure how long it was that she was in there and since nobody was coming out still,  I take another look around and after seeing nobody was around, I slowly began to get out of the car.

Nervous as hell still, I cautiously began walking towards the house when suddenly I hear a deep voice coming from behind me. So I turn around and see a guy in a business looking dark suit with slicked back dark hair and chiseled tanned jaw and looked to be in his mid forties.

"Mystic, all grown up." He says.

I look at him squinting a little while trying to see if I have ever met him or not before. He looks a little familiar but still I'm not sure who he is and how he knows me.

"Hi?" I reply.

"Don't be afraid. My name is Dante Greys." He grins in a way that makes me feel uneasy.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" I asked while walking a little towards him.

"When you were little. I knew your mother." He exclaims.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I'm waiting for a few of my men to come out with something for me. However, my original intentions were to see you."


"Because I wanted to give you my sympathy for your mother's death. It was very sudden and tragic how she died."

"Yes it was." I replied as I started feeling myself get a little more upset.

"Well, I hope we can see each other again soon." He smirks and then walks closer to me and raises the back of my hand up to his lips and kisses me.

Before I'm able to remove my hand from his, I feel someone pull me back a little and push me behind them. It was Dorian.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" Dorian growls as he knocks my hand from Dante's.

"Now Dorian, I was just saying hello to the young lady." He grins.

"What the hell are you doing here Dante? Why didn't you come in instead of sending your men in to ask me?!" Dorian asks in a harsh and demanding tone.

"Because I was waiting." He smirks as he looks at me behind Dorian.

"Leave, now!" He demands.

"We have business to discuss." Dante reminds Dorian.

"No we don't! I told you before and I won't say it again after this. Do. Not. Come. Here. Again!" Dorian warns him.

"We'll see." Dante scowls at him and then softens his face as he smiles and winks at me then gets into the car along with his men and they start driving away.

What just happened? Who was he? Most importantly, what does he want?! I have a bad feeling about him.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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