day 13

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Jack's POV

I walked to the cafe that Zach said him and Daniel go to I had a surprise for him it's one of my favorite songs and it really hits home for me.

"So I wanna play a song from someone"

"Okay so here what you have to do"

Daniels POV

They kept rushing me because of this surprise they had for me at the cafe. I didn't see Jack anywhere he probably went home I would've to.

"So again why I'm I going so early in the fuck morning"

"Daniel it's 12 in the afternoon you can't just sleep in"

"Corbyn you don't that all the time" he stopped talking cause I was right I'm always right.

We got to the cafe and we order our usual and I got range cause coffee can kiss my ass.

"So what's this surprise" Zach was about to say it but Jonah cut him off.

"Its really not that big but ya know" I was confused u till I heard the old nice sweet lady who owns the cafe say something.

"Lady's and gentlemen this boy wants to sing this sing because he wants all of you to know he's not bad and he wants only one if you to know that he can change, this is how his story goes... Jack Avery" when she said that I had a mini heart attack.

"I'm Jack and im going to sing who am I" he started singing.

who am I and what have I've become do i stand for something or for money. Who am I and wheres my good boy gone ya know I had a god heart once ya see.

Who am I now that my all is gone, you gave me what I didn't know I needed. What am I now that my heart is worn I didn't know I needed any one.

But I've got today and I gotta make the best I can of it, cause yesterday is dead and gone and me along with it.

I wanna start again so I'll like within remember what I wanted cause i don't know who I've become, but I will trust in it yeah I will trust in it.

Who am I to spend my life alone forever looking for some place to call a home. And who am i about to meet myself or should I feel right for something dumb.

I wanna start again so I'll look within remember what I wanted cause i don't know who I've become, but I will trust in it yeah i will trust in it ohh i will trust in it Yeah I will trust in it.

But today I gotta make the best I can of it, cause yesterday is dead and gone and me along with it, I wanna start again.

When he finished singing he had tears coming down his face and I'm retry sure it made everyone in the cafe cry to. He got down and he came over and pulled me up.

"I want you to know that your changing me but for the better, and I like you for that" he kissed me and that's when everybody in the cafe cheered, clapped and whistled.

"Now come on I wanna go cuddle" we walked out hand in hand back to the house where we cuddle.

Can someone give me an idea for the next chapter I needz drama.

578 words

25 days..🎄..JanielTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang