day 24

84 4 2

Jack's POV

It was dark and I had a huge headache and then I remembered what happened to me. I got up and started to walk around the room because I was scared until someone I least expected came in the room.

"Max I fucking knew it... Why though"

"Because what you did hurt this family more then you can ever know you dumb fuck" At that part I knew he was talking about when I stole money from my dad.

"It wasn't how I wanted it to end I'm sorry Max just let me go and I'll repay all of the money then some"

"It's to late for that Jack the deadline is over with and since you can't be hurt... How about they little boyfriend of yours huh"

"You hurt him and I kill you"

"I'm not gonna do anything to him... You are tomorrow" At that he got up and walked away I was scared because Daniel was the love of my life and I couldn't stand him getting hurt.

I stayed there in the floor thinking of a way to get out of here or to send someone a message but I couldn't.

Gabbies POV

"I didn't know he would replace me for the mission... I can't help you this is Max were talking about he's killed millions and haven't missed a shot"

"Gabbie please it's Jack I love him I'll do anything please"

"You have to give yourself up Daniel can't do anything else for you I'm sorry"

"What happens if I give myself up"

We both feel silent.

I'm back bitches❤

269 wordd

25 days..🎄..JanielNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ