day 21

81 6 6

Daniels POV

It was cold and I think gabbie was still asleep so I got up to look around the house. I know you're probably thinking leave why are you still there, well I trust her kinda.

"Hey Daniel"

"Hey gabbie, why do you wanna help me anyways"

"Well my boss wants to kill Jack or hurt him so he said kill you but I'm not"

"Why not"

"I saw how happy you guys were and I don't wanna ruin that" that made me think about the times that I've had with Jack and I was crying.

"Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring anything up"

"You didn't I was just thinking about Jack"

"Hey, I k ow it's hard now but in the endgame you'll be with him" she came and closed the gap between us.

She gave me a hug that I really needed and it helped me get over the pain that I'm literally hiding from the one I love do I want get hurt nor him.

Jack's POV

I was packing things into my pocket and Zach came downstairs.

"Where are you going"


"What do you mean you can't leave"

"Yes I can leave me alone" I walked to the door and before I could open it Zach came over and pushed me.

"Your just gonna leave Daniel when he needs you the most you fucking coward" I got mad I didn't want to tell them where I was going because I know where Daniel is.

"It hurts me to Zach boyfriend could be fucking dead and k would never know"

"Then why are you leaving"

"I'm not I know where he is"

"Where is he? Tell me" he got in my face and I the was gonna hit me.

"He's at gabbie"

"That bitch, let me come"

~at gabbies house~

"Zach don't make a sound I got this" he agreed and I knocked on the door.

She came and opened but when she did she got wide eyes and tried to close the door.

"Zach now" he put his foot in to hold the door and I got my gun that my dad gave me and pointed it to her head.

"Where's Daniel"


I'm so done with life I cut on my arm yesterday and had an anxiety attack

25 days..🎄..JanielWhere stories live. Discover now