Part 25

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The next day we all decided to skip school and have a free day. We wanted to go see a movie.
We decided to go see ' Aquaman".
I sat next to Hoseok and Lisa sat next to me and namjoon, Jimin sat next to jennie and Hoseok.
I liked the movie vary much. I don't know about the others,
" who else loved the movie" I asked,
All the girls shook their head yes but the guys said it was 'ok'
" what do you mean it was ' ok'? It was amazing!" Lisa said to them.
" y'all liked it because you saw his abs a lot. But the action wasn't that great." Jimin said in annoyance.
" his abs are what make it great" I said back to him in facts.
Hoseok made a mad face, " wow, I can't believe you looked at another guys abs" he said with a pouty slash mad face.
" hey, you can't be mad at me because I watched a movie!" I said in an angry tone.
" yeah and you shouldn't, she's seen your abs way more times then she has Jason momoas" Lisa said pokeing at me.
They all stoped and looked at us pervertivly.
"Ok, let's try to stay pure" I said to them.
We all bursted out into laughter.

Ok, this chapter is shorter than the others. It's only a mini chapter, the next one will be longer. Love ya ARMYS 💜

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