An unexpected Call.

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Third P.o.v

Madara was once again home alone. He boredly looked around the apartment as he waited for you. He could be training while waiting, but that even bored him out.

You forbid him to go out without someone else with him, so hence the reason why Madara is stuck in the apartment. He decided to a hand stand push up, while he was waiting for you.

All unexpectedly, the home phone goes off. Madara listens to the noise, as he slowly sets himself down. He looks around, and follows the noise. Once he located the phone, he picked it up and answered it.

"Did you forget something once again young Maiden?"

"Excuse me? I'm sorry, I've must have called the wrong number..."

Madara raised his brow, surprised to hear a woman's voice on the other end. He sighed and pinch the bridge of his nose.

"If you have a message for (F/n), I will deliver it to her. She is out at the moment."

The other end was silent. Madara furrowed his brow, unsure why the person did not speak right away. He assumed that the woman hung up, until the tone changed so suddenly.

"Oh... Just tell her that she better be prepared for one hell of a word with me. I also suggest that you get out of her apartment. Goodbye~!"

The other line disconnected, leaving Madara in confusion. He took the phone away from him, looking at it weirdly. He was confused, yet unsure on how he should take the threat.

As he hung up the phone, his mind started to ramble on about the possibilities and/or who it might have been. He remembered thinking about his thoughts from a week ago. You lived alone, have no job to pay for the bills, and have never said anything about any relatives.

As he was lost in thought, with the many possibilities that could have acquired. He did not hear the door open, nor you calling out to him.

When no response came, you started to look for him and found him intensely looking at the ground. Curious of what was on his mind, you tapped his shoulder causing him to jump a bit.

"Sorry Madara... But I was wondering why you did not hear me."

He merely looked at you, before turning towards you fully. With a brief sigh and a fold of his arms, he glared at you.

"I know for a fact you cannot be living here alone, paying the bills without a job, you never once mention about your parents or relatives. Speaking about Parents, where the hell are yours?"

You were silent, memories flooded in your mindscape. With a Blink, you dropped your head. Madara raised his eyebrow, wondering why your demeanour changed once again. You were like this a week ago, but you quickly recovered.

He kept it to himself about it, but now to see it again. He tried to think what could be that triggers it. You slowly let go of it once again, you were now away from your past and living fine in the present with your aunt. Speaking about her, you looked up at Madara.

"Did anyone call today and did you answer it?!"

Madara was bewildered by your sudden change. He swore he thought he saw the idiot once again. He cleared his expression and went back being the Stoic Man.

"Yes, it was a woman. She said she will have a talk with you and asked for me to get out."

At this, you begin to panic a bit. You knew exactly who it was, and it was no telling when she will be here. You quickly scanned the entire room, trying to find out how you could escape this death swarm.

Madara tilted his head, watching your panic state and looks around rapidly. A small dose of a sweat drop appeared behind him. He pinched the bridge of his nose, before grabbing your shoulders firmly.

"(F/n), you need to compose yourself. Firstly, explain the meaning behind all of this. Secondly, I don't need another Hashirama. I had enough of that idiot."

You slowly nodded and took a deep breathe. Madara let go of you as placed your hands behind your back, looking to the side.

"T... The woman who called... That was my Aunt. She is an CEO of a Company that has a high profit of manufacturing new products for everyone. I am one of the few testers for their products, and she is my.... Mom's Sister... She has taken care of me since I was fifteen."

You purposely left out any information regarding your parents. There was no need to bring them up, especially if Madara could presumed that they may have died...

As Madara in took the information, he nodded. However, he had to ask about your parents.

"I can assume that your parents are dead then?"

You nodded, as your head dropped. Madara watched your reaction, as it now made sense to him. The reason why your sudden mood changes, was because you missed your parents. Feeling as he shouldn't go further into it, he tried to refocus on the Aunt who called.

"I am going to guess, that your aunt will be coming here to check on you."

Lifting your head up, you nodded and played with your fingers. You were glad that he decided to change the topic. Prying into your past life, scared you the most because of what they could do to you now.

Your Aunt implored you to press charges, but being the sweet person you are. It was better to just disappear from them. On the other hand, your Aunt may be coming. It was unsure yet, but from what Madara informed you, there is a high chance she will now.

Your Aunt is not like your Parents, she is very protective and loves to spoil youl. Hence the reason why you live alone, with everything already in the apartment. Your aunt bought everything the first day you moved here.

"Well... It looks like you have to Leave Madara..."

~.:Fictional to Nonfictional?!:.~ Madara Uchiha x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now