Special Chapter: RWBY One-Shot

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A/N: This is a special chapter, since I didn't make the story, it was made by Anime_MultiPlay_. It's from his one shot series, where this particular chapter even expended to a new story. I take no credit for this chapter except the reactions, where even then, it's a whole new thing. After I asked their permission, they suggested I do something special, just for this chapter.

If you already read this chapter, then you know what to expect, so, I'm having Team RWBY, JNRP, Sun and Neptune, Ms. GoodWitch, and Ozpin! How dope is that!? Anyway, heads up, expect a lot of Ozpin bashing in here, I hate, hate, HATE, him.

"Alright, is everyone ready?", Z asked as he came in with a notepad, "Yes, I believe we are", Aizawa said for the group. "Great, well this is a good one, since I actually asked another God for permission to show you all this", Z said, a little happy. This surprised the group a bit since they didn't think he could really ASK some other God for that. "Who'd you ask?", Ochako asked, "His name is Anime_MultiPlay_, they have experience making world's about you", Z said.

"Ooh, I love his work", Glowster said, "Yup, and with that in mind, he actually made a small request", Z said as he looked over the list. "What was it?", Aizawa asked, "He wanted to see the inhabitants of this world watch along with you", Z said with a smile. "Wait, so people from another universe will watch their world with us?", Momo asked, "Yep, this should be interesting as well. The world in mind, Izuku is set to be with a person from this world", Z said, some girls having murderous glares.

"Anyway, Zeik should be here soon with them, just be warned that their world is vastly different from your own", Z explained.


Everyone looked over to see Zeik stepping through a portal, though what surprised them was his uncharacteristic frown. "Uh, is something wrong?", Glowster asked, "Yeah, we're gonna have that a-hole in here", Zeik grumbled out. "I know, I hate him as well, but we'll only have him for a while, and the second the world is over, he's gone", Z reassured his friend. "There's someone coming you dislike?", Inko asked, "Yeah, since he badmouths Gods and Zeik hates people who manipulate others", Z said with a glare.

This surprised a few since they didn't think immortal being's could hate others, but they guessed wrong. "Anyway, where are they?", Z asked, "Oh they'll be here", Zeik said with a wide grin, "That smile worries me", Kendo said with a shiver.


Suddenly, a new portal opened up in the sky not far away from the audience and Godly being's. From it came a whole new group of people, all landing on a large pile, some being squished from the extra weight.



"Watch it!"

"Move your foot out of my face!"

"This looks familiar", Kirishima said as he and the rest stared at the scene with a sense of nostalgia. After the group had all been set down, they began untangling themselves and stood up, all confused. "What the, who are all of you?", a teen with extremely pale skin and a white dress asked with a stern look. "Where are we?", a short girl with red and black hair asked as she looked around in confusion.

This continued on until Z and Zeik started getting annoyed, "You care if I uh?", Zeik asked, "Go right ahead", Z responded. Zeik nodded as he pulled out a grenade, pulled the pin, tossed it behind him, then exploded.


Everyone jumped at the sudden noise, looking over to the irate immortals, "Alright, newcomers, calm down and stay quiet. We'll explain everything if you fallow our instructions", Zeik said calm to the new guests. They were confused, but a brave soul stepped forward, the one the two despised the most.

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