Chapter 5: Facetime Call

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It is now Saturday. It's pouring outside with so much rain that when it hits my house, it sounds like small rocks or hail. Maybe it is hail. Florida hasn't had decent weather since July. Once August hit, we got cloudy skies, rain, thunder, lighting, you name it. It sure as hell seemed like that the weather knew that the first day back to school was coming around and wanted to make us feel miserable before we surprise ourselves with it. Thanks, Mother Nature.

I get up out of my bed and look into my mirror. At myself. Shit, my hair looks horrible. I'll just say this, having medium-length hair Isn't fun. It's not as bad as having long long hair, but it still sucks. Some days I wish I could just cut it or shave it all off so it wouldn't be a trouble. But I don't want to be bald of have freakishly short hair. I'd rather have long hair. But it is just a daily struggle of mine. Almost every time I wake up in the morning, my hair looks like a literal bird's nest.

I put my hair in a messy ponytail and check my phone. I wonder who texted me last night. Oh. Turns out it was Amaya. Which I get why she texts me so late. The time difference from Florida and Idaho can get very confusing sometimes. It's a 3-hour difference, so it's not really a wonder. Online friendships really suck.

I have known Amaya for about 3 years. Yes, she has known me since before my dad died. I have to say, they were really fond of each other. Mostly because they both shared a love for Football and Wrestling. Things I don't know anything about. So after my dad died, me and her were both devastated. We vent to each other a lot. My dad's passing was when we did it the most.

Amaya is a very friendly, funny, and without-a-doubt one of a kind. I can definitely call her my online best friend. I know what most of you most likely will think.

   That "you never know what people are like on the other side of a phone screen" but, I do trust her.

     Don't get mad at me. I do. And before you ask the question, I've had seen her in real life, so I can 100% be sure that she is actually a real person. But that was a year ago. We've tried to see each other again this year, but neither of us could afford to see each other over the summer. Too much money. Most of the money me and my mom have were used to pay for my dad's funeral. So that's my excuse. Her's was that her family was planning a vacation to Hawaii. Her family is always one for vacationing to places with beautiful sights. Damn. If only she had an extra ticket.

I've had other online friendships, but they never lasted longer than a few months. Amaya was the only online friend I was able to keep in my life. And I am very glad to have her in my life. Don't think that I like her as more than a friend or anything. I love her as a best friend. Well, one of my best friends.
Amaya: Sup Isaac!

Me: Hey Maya! Sorry for not texting back right away.

Amaya: Don't worry about it. I texted you at almost midnight. I literally just remembered that there was a time difference as soon as I sent the text.

Me: lol.

Amaya: So how was your week?

Me: Pretty boring until yesterday.

Amaya: OoOoOo. What happened yesterday?

Me: Me and my friends met this new kid named River. That's one of the things that happened.

Amaya: O-O. Sounds interesting. Tell me more.

Me: We all volunteered to show him around. It was good, I guess.
Me: Also, my math teacher finally came to school today. Turns out she is deaf.

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