Chapter 20: The Truth

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                          *November 20, 2021*
                These past 2 days have been honest. More honest than I am comfortable with. But it has also been pretty crazy. Let's go with the honest part first. Don't want to talk about too many things at once, or I'll forget what I'm writing about completely.

       But yeah, it has been pretty uncomfortably honest. These past few days and beyond. Esther figuring out about her mom. I know I put this in the honest list, and I did because Esther doesn't really like talking about her mom. Not at much as she used to. Its like she thinks that we're going to say something along the lines of "get over it already". But if I did say something like that, I would be having to say that to myself too. Just like my mom did to me already. About my dad. But I can't get over it, just like she can't get over her mom leaving. Another thing would be practically blurting our that I like River. Something that I didn't know I was completely aware of until today. And I never thought I would tell anyone, not even her. I don't think it was necessarily because I thought she would hate me. More of because I didn't think that I would be able to fully understand why, regardless if I told anyone or not. But I'm glad I did. Because I understand it now. I really like him. I've never like liked anyone else before. Anyone. No girl has ever crossed my mind. Maybe it was supposed to be this way. Being... gay? Maybe it was fate or something. But I'm definitely not open. Not yet. I'm not going to make stupid decisions and tell everyone I know. One for now is enough.

And the only really crazy and weird part, besides yesterday's events, was my mom. She was being secretive again yesterday after Esther left. And when we were eating. When I went to go back into her room, it was locked. She's never done something like that before. Put a lock on her door. What is going on with her? Maybe Esther and Amaya are right. Maybe she is hiding something. Esther is telling me not to read too much into it though. But at this point, right now, it's hard not to. Its like she is making it fully aware. She should honestly just tape a sign on her door saying "hiding something, don't ask what". But whatever, I guess. I don't want to look into it anyways. She wants to keep secrets, it's her choice. She can tell me. Right now I need my ass to get some rest. Its fucking 3 am and I'm up writing.

Yeah, I must be going crazy if I'm continuing to talk to a journal. That proves another one of Esther's theories. Congratulations, Essie.


They say that the truth can set you free. I wonder if in this case, it can. Its the afternoon, and so far, my mom hasn't been looking suspicious and secretive like she was when I walked into her room and saw that tab open on her computer. She's just been her normal, very friendly self. As always. Maybe she is working on a surprise or something for her work or for me, who knows. I'm just trying to look into the best case scenario, not the worst. Optimism is key, but it's not very possible for me to be that way at this point and time. Just hoping for the best.

I need a distraction from my thoughts. Except the ones about River. If only Esther slept over. Something. Anything. Then it hits me. Well, not hit me, but it vibrates in my pocket. My phone. A text. From Hailey. What a lifesaver at this very moment.
Hailey: Hey, Isaac.

Me: Hey. What's up?

Hailey: Nothing much. Just chilling. Being my usual lazy self on a Sunday.
Hailey: Or any day.

Me: We're Twins Lol.

Hailey: I call dibs to be the older twin.

Me: We'd be born on the same day.

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