Chapter 10: Tragedy

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                            Its Sunday now. Still nothing heard from Eli at all. The group chat has been dead for a while. I wake up kind of late into the day because I pulled 2 all-nighters with Amaya on Friday and yesterday. Still exhausted from it.

            I grab my phone off the charger and head straight into my texts. I'll try to get in contact with Eli one last time. One more time. After this, I'll stop trying and wait for him to come to us.
Me: Hey, Eli. I know I'm most likely bugging you or whatever, but I'm curious and concerned. All of us are. It's been 3 days now. Almost, at least. I'll stop bugging you now. But just know that you can talk to us about it if you want. We won't get mad at you or anything like that. We're your friends. Till the end.
I put my phone back on my dresser. I'm really not expecting to get a reply back. If he couldn't bother to give me any expression or anything when I gave him that note in study hall Friday, then I doubt he'll respond to this. Most likely he'll just leave me on read. Maybe respond later, I don't know. I can't tell with him at this point. Just gotta hope for the best, I guess.

I glance at my journal which is on my dresser as well. My fan is on so high that it turns the pages through my journal. I put my hand in between the book to stop the pages from turning and turn off my fan with my other hand. Then I take a look on the page I put my hand to. The day I can never forget. The day I lost my dad.
February 7, 2021
                 I wake up earlier than usual. 5:45 am. Yeah, I'm pretty exhausted. I hear my dad waking up my mom while I get out of my bed. He always does that. Seriously, every morning. It must be very tiring having to do that all the time. My mom needs to learn how to wake up to a timer or the echo dot my dad got her and me for Christmas. I use mine. She hasn't even plugged her's in. She says it's too complicated when she can just ask dad to do it for her. But nope.

                               "Huh. You're up early" Dad says as he enters my room.

"Yeah. Looks like I didn't need Alexa to wake me up this time" I say.

"Looks like it," Dad says.

"Oh, I'm going to be taking you to the bus stop today. Your mom needs to get into work early today. Her boss is being more strict than usual".

  "You gotta do what you gotta do" I say.

   Dad starts making weird funny faces out of complete nowhere. I  smile and chuckle.

"There's the smile I always like to see" Dad says.

  "You're really weird. No wonder why I thought grandma and grandpa were not normal" I laugh.

  "You can go get some more sleep if you want. Or just relax" Dad says.

  "I'll be fine. You already know how I am. Once I'm up, I'm up for the rest of the day. No exceptions" I say.

     "You get that from your mother," Dad smiles.

   "Alright then. I'm going to make you some breakfast while you get ready" Dad says and leaves the room.

I get dressed, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and sit at the table to eat breakfast.

  "Morning, guys. I have to get to work. See you guys later" Mom says.

  "Bye, Mom" I say.

"See you later. Love you" Dad says.

    "Love you too, guys" She gives us both a hug and a kiss on the head. She leaves.

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