Chapter 24: Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Today's the day. It's time for the trial. It feels like time has gone by so quick on purpose. That the universe wants this to happen as fast as possible. The last 5 days have felt like it has went by in the blink of an eye. It's Wednesday, also marking the first day of December. 30 days until Christmas. I should start a countdown on my phone. I've still haven't gone to school or forgave my mom. I've continued to isolate myself in the best friend cave. Well, not totally. Most of the days have just been so boring, I don't even understand how time went by so fast. I guess time doesn't just fly by when you're having fun. Whoever made that quote, you should rethink on it.

I'm even more nervous than I was when I went to talk to David when he was in chains. Today is the day where the question gets it's long-awaited answer. Will he be sent to prison or detained on probation? The jury must have a brain with this one. It's obvious what the right answer should be, but David says his lawyer is good at persuasion. But should I really believe that? Believe that he is saying that when everyone wants him in jail? That everyone wants him to pay? His family? Me? My mom? My dad? My friends? Everyone? Time to find out.

Me, Esther, are right now, in the car. Driving to the courthouse, dressed up in proper attire for when Me, My mom, and David's family members have to testify. I breathe in and out multiple times, so I don't faint. Esther has her hand on my shoulder, giving me the comfort I need.

"You can do this," She says.

"He won't be walking free. He will get what he deserves, Isaac".

  "We're right here beside you, Isaac. All of us" Hunter says.

"I'll be fine, I'm just... nervous as fucking hell" I say.

"These types of things are never easy to go through" Hunter says.

  "Yeah" Esther says.

  "This should have happened a long time ago" I say.

  "I know, Isaac. But it's happening now. That's the good part," Hunter says.

  "It's not being ignored like last time. It's happening".

"I know. And I'm glad," I say.

  "I'm very glad".

         We make it to the courthouse. I see many other cars parked around it, including us. I see Lynn and David's mom get out of one car, my mom get out of another, and River come out of another with his parents. When River sees us, he comes running up to us.

  "There you guys are! There are so many people here" He says.

"Yeah. We were lucky to even get a parking space," Esther says.

"It seems like we ain't the only ones prepping for trial".

River goes to give me a hug.

  "Hoping all goes well" He says.

"Me too" I say.

River then gives Esther a hug. My mom just walks into the courthouse with no hesitation. Doesn't even bother to look in my direction.

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