Chapter 6: Guidance

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A day passes. Yay. It's Monday. Back to reality (Not referencing Eminem). They say "Time flies by when you're having fun". After Saturday, I'm starting to re-think on that. Saturday was more awkward and slightly scary than fun. Sunday went by in an instant. Like a bolt of lighting. You see a flash for a split second, and then it quickly disappears into the darkness. I wish everyday was no school. I'd be able to happily get used to that.

I get up out of my bed to check my phone and get changed. I check my phone: No messages. Well that's a first. I thought that I would get spammed by Eli, Esther, and River talking so much in the group chat like last night. Guess they got the vibe that I was annoyed and they cooled it down and made their own group chat. Least that gives me some peace. But not a lot. I still have to deal with my mom's loud and obnoxious snoring most mornings. Plus having to wake her up which takes about 5 minutes because she is a heavy sleeper. Seriously, it definitely seems like the walls are paper thin if I can hear it from my room with my TV volume all the way up so I could drown her out. Dad always used to be in charge of waking her up. Since he's gone, it feels like I'm the one that has to do all of what he used to be in charge of. Like I'm a replacement husband or something. It has some perks. Top 1 would be helping me become more self-sufficient. Gets me ready for when I'm older.

I get changed into one of my many t-shirts, sweatpants, and a yale hoodie despite the hot weather. Yes, I am the kid that would rather be comfortable than fashionable/trendy. Pretty shocking to be someone like that at my high school, if you think of it. It's not all the kids, but from what I see, most kids wish to be trendsetters or popular or anything else besides the ordinary. People like Me, Esther, and Eli are considered 'weird' just because we want to be comfortable instead of stylish all the time and it is so stupid. We mostly get it from Tracy and her group of friends. Mostly everybody else knows when to actually keep their mouths shut.

I get to my mom's room to wake her up.

   I call out "Mom!' and she is still fast asleep.

I told you. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she can sleep through someone screaming at the top of their lungs into her ears. It wouldn't phase her, not even in the slightest bit. I go up to her and shake on her shoulders to wake her up. That works. She gets out of bed with a cranky look on her face.

    "You slept in again" I say.

     "Really? Again?" She says.

           "I'm sorry".

       "It's fine" I say with a smile.

     "I'll be out there in a bit. I need to get ready for work. Writers can never be late" She says.

     "Good thing you got a promotion a few weeks ago. Now you only have to go to work Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays" I say.

        "You're right about that. Now I can be home a lot more to spend time with you" She smiles.

         I smile back. She pulls me in for a hug.

               "I love you, Isaac" She says.

         "I love you too, mom" I reply.

         "You wait out in the kitchen. I'll be there to make you breakfast. I need just a few minutes" She says.

              "Alright" I say.

15 minutes pass by. Me and mom are both eating breakfast at this moment. Toast with butter. Our favorite. Also with chocolate milk. Can't forget that.

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