Chapter 29: Boxing Day

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September 11, 2018
   It's lunchtime. Me and Esther push and shove our way through kids.

"Why is this even allowed? The line is going all the way out to the fucking door" I say.

"Some days it goes farther than that" She says.

"They really need to stop trying to make this school filled with kids. It's getting overpopulated" I say.

"Yeah. Like killing many kids" Esther laughs.

"Esther!" I say.

  "I'm just joking," She says.

"Calm yourself".

"More like trying to find many ways to get kids to leave or expel them" I say.

"Yeah" She says.

We go and take seats at the nearest table so we don't have to go through more kids.

"I hate this school sometimes" She says.

"Me too," I say.

  "But we're stuck in it for now".

"Oh what unfortunate events have happened" She laughs.

"Why you'd even pick drama if you think it's dumb is beyond asking now" I laugh.

"I don't think it's dumb," She says.

"I just suck ass at being dramatic".

"Do you try?" I ask.

"Not really," She says.

I face palm.

"When I don't need to".

"I was just about to say" I laugh.

"I know" She says.

Esther looks over my shoulder and I look behind me to see what she is looking at.

"He's sitting alone again," She says.

"Emo boy".

He is dressed in all black. Medium length black curls, and a pair of round glasses that makes him kind of look like Harry Potter. One that is depressed.

"Maybe he wants to be alone," I say.

"It doesn't seem like he's making much of an effort to try and sit with people".

"Maybe," She says.

  "But it never seems like it".

"He seems used to it" I say.

"It doesn't look like he enjoys it though," She says.

"It bugs me. I feel like giving him a hug or something".

"Since when have you turned soft?" I l laugh.

  "Everybody has a soft side," She says.

"I just don't like to show mine often".

"I'd invite him over here, but teachers are watching us everywhere," I say.

  "We can invite him tomorrow".

"Okay" She says.

"So," I say.

"What's the plan for tomorrow night?".

"Video games galore" She laughs.

"That can be arranged" I say.

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