Chapter 17: Movie Hangout

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                      The rest of the week goes by and it's Saturday now. I literally just woke up. Still exhausted. Not a shock. It's a shock on how I still managed to wake up at 9 A.M. when I didn't even fall asleep until 3 A.M. but whatever. My mom's already up. Making breakfast. I feel like she knows my sleeping schedule on the weekends by now. It's been like this for over a year now. I don't like to waste my day. It's why I'm up so late.

                I grab my phone, get changed, and head to the kitchen where my mom is.

  "I can smell the food from my room" I say.

"Maybe that's what woke you up this time" She says.

"Unless you made a lot of noise while making it, then I doubt it's what woke me up" I say.

She laughs.

  "It's nice to see you in more of a good mood. You've seemed.. distracted these past days" She says.

As soon she says that, a frown goes on my face. Great. She's noticed. And she had to bring it up. Thanks, mom.

  "What's going on, Isaac? It seems like their is more than just the Tracy situation that's got you down" She asks.

Shit. She suspects it. What do I do now?

  "These pancakes are good" I say, trying to change the subject.

These pancakes are good? Really? Stupid. I couldn't be more annoyed with myself right now.

"Isaac," She says.

"Answer my question".

  "Its nothing, I don't want to talk about it" I say.

"Isaac, you know how I feel about secrets" She says.

"I know. I just really don't want to talk about it" I say.

"Okay, fine. But you need to tell me eventually. I don't like it when you hide things from me. I also don't like it when people keep secrets" She says.

"I'm not trying to hide it from you or keep it a secret. I just really don't want to talk about it right now" I say.

"Okay," She says.

"I'll stop".

Phew. Finally.

                 My phone vibrates. I take it out of my pocket to check to see who it is. Its Esther.
Esther: Guys!

Me: What?

River: Yeah?

Esther: I was searching online for movies coming out and I just saw that the 2nd sequel for the "Unfriended" movie series came out yesterday!
Esther: You guys want to go see it?

River: I don't know. Horror movies get me jumpy a lot.

Esther: Its a horror movie. Its meant to have jump-scares. Its meant to scare you.

River: Fine, then. But don't expect me not to scream and jump.

Me: Just cover your ears. That trick always works for me. It blocks out all the loud sounds. That's what usually scares me the most.

River: I've tried that. It helps, but my hands always get tired.

Me: I'll help you come up with a different method.

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