Chapter 8: Amaya's Plan

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                           *September 19, 2021*
Surprisingly, the club went pretty well. These past few weeks, I've been writing about how afraid I was that this club was going to be a bomber but Mrs. Ross proved me wrong once again. Me. Gardner seemed so happy and proud. Im glad she did. Sure, our hands were killing us because of the practice, but it was worth it because we're doing good. At least Tracy wasn't here so it was even better. Even if she didn't bother to go to this, just knowing that she is in the same building as me still would make it less enjoyable. The peace feels nice. Wish it could be like this all the time. But you can't always get everything you want. I know that far too well. I still don't understand why telling River about dad was so hard to do. He's my friend. Its not like he wouldn't be there for me. I guess I just... don't like talking about it. Hard topics aren't my strong suit. To be fair, neither is talking to someone I have constant thoughts about and etc. I know what you're going to say, that I should tell mom about how I really feel. But again, I just want to be strong for her because I can tell it has as much of an effect on her still than it does on me. And don't want to pile in my emotions and thoughts towards it to make it worse. I'll write in you tomorrow.


                    Its now Wednesday and I wake up feeling like shit. Literally. Not because I have to go to school. I guess Esther's flu that she got a few weeks ago caught up to me or something like that. Or River's when he got it last week. Who knows. It may be a cycle.

My mom wakes up. Guess she knows how feverish I look. She comes closer to me to see how I look. Then she goes to find a thermometer to check my temperature. She comes back a minute later with a thermometer in hand and puts it in my mouth. She takes it out of my mouth and it reads '91 degrees'.

"Damn. The flu really does hit hard" She says.

"Esther And River already got it. Now I do. Eli is now the only one that is clean from it" I say.

     "It seems like Eli never gets sick. Known that kid for a while and not once has he gotten allergic to something or sneeze or cough" She says.

      "It runs in his family. Nobody is his family really have allergies or anything like that. But he still gets his flu shot just in case that changes" I say.

     "He's lucky then. You just get some rest and I'll make you some soup for later" She kisses me on the forehead.

     "Okay. Love you" I say.

      "Love you too" She says.

                I tuck myself under the covers and hear my phone ringing like crazy. Someone is texting me. I reach to get my phone so I don't have to get out of bed because I am lazy and comfortable. Don't judge me. I successfully reach my phone from my side table and check to see who I got a message from. Amaya.
Amaya: Morning. Sorry for FaceTiming you. Hit the wrong button. And sorry for texting you this early and on a school day.

Me: Don't worry about it. We can text all day if you want. I'm home sick. Got the flu.

Amaya: Damn, That sucks. Feeling like shit ain't fun. Ain't fun at all.

Me: Tell me about it. At least it gets me outta school. That's the only good part about it.

Amaya: That's why I do online school. You can do your work whenever and stay in your pjs :3

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