My Neighbor, the Celebrity

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The exam hall Percy was assigned to was inside of the Ministry of Magic.

It was a few doors down the Department of Magical Education behind a door that looked like every other door there. The inside was a hall that could fit around fifty people with single-seat desks arranged in neat rows.

Percy looked around and found that he wasn't alone. There were around five other people in the room, each far older than he was. 'Guess they're repeaters.' Percy thought to himself.

There was a man who looked old enough to be a father and a woman who was around Percy's mom's age. There were two witches a few years older than Percy and a wizard who looked like he was a hundred years old.

Percy groaned, it was nearly ten o'clock. Just as he wondered when they would begin, the door was thrown open and an elderly witch walked in with a stack of papers. Everyone took this as their cue and quickly took their seats. Percy himself sat near the back, not wanting to draw attention to himself.

The witch flicked her wand sending a scroll, a quill, and an inkpot to every desk. She cleared her throat.

"Welcome to your OWL examination. This is the most important exam for any witch or wizard and we ask that you give it the importance it deserves. Cheating is highly guarded against. Anti-Cheating Spells are applied to all O.W.L. exam papers and you may only write using the instruments we provide you. But despite this, I am sure at least one student will try to cheat, though you must note that none have been successful since the year 1899."

The witch glared down everyone in the room. Percy gulped, the woman's attitude was very daunting, to say the least. He really hoped he wouldn't get caught. Not that he was cheating per se, but he did wear his blood band which would give him an advantage.

He had talked to Hecate about this before. The goddess didn't discourage the idea, in fact, she wanted him to go through with the plan. So Percy did, and now he sat with a blood band on his wrist praying to the gods that the witch didn't recognize it for what it was.

"Now, today's exam is on charms. You will write your theory paper now and your practical exam will be after lunch." The witch flicked her wand again and several pink answer sheets flew through the air and landed on the exam takers' desk. "You may begin."

Percy dreaded simply looking at the paper. Charms was his weakest subject but when he finally did look, he couldn't help the smile forming on his face. They asked relatively simple questions like; 'Describe the magical charms involved in creating a broom.' 'What is the common misconception between mobicorpus and mobilarus?' 'What charm is used to deflect curses? What spells can it not defend from?'

Percy quickly dipped the quill in the ink and began to write. He felt the blood band work overtime as he framed the answers to the questions asked. His handwriting was decent, no extra marks there, but his answers were crisp and to the point. And just to be sure, Percy over-inflated the answer adding extra details. He didn't want to risk a low grade in this exam.

Halfway through the first page, Percy noticed the examiner going around the hall on rounds. She walked over to him in the back and stood there like a hawk overlooking his work. Percy gulped, he shifted his hand allowing his robes to fall over his hand blocking the sight of the blood band.

Percy continued to write his paper but he noticed that the woman did not leave as she continued to look over his shoulder.

Percy however didn't let his nerves slow him down or make a mistake. He also most certainly did not show that he was nervous, that's how they catch you in the first place.

He was halfway done with the written exam by the one hour mark. He was on a roll and it seemed nothing could stop him. So naturally, that's when fate decided to be a bitch.

Banished Into Magic: A Percy Jackson/Harry Potter Crossover Where stories live. Discover now