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I swear to God if I accidentally publish this chapter one more time...

It was the weekend, finally. The fourth year Gryffindors wanted to sleep in late. They wanted to sleep in their warm beds and fluffy pillows.

Harry was dreaming of winning the House Cup and Quidditch championship. Dean dreamed about living in a city made out of chocolate. Neville dreamed about...dreaming. And Ron dreamed about living on an island filled with exotic women. Everything was perfect.

And all those dreams were about to come crashing down in 3...2...1...

"WAKE UP! RISE AND SHINE BOYS!" Percy yelled at the top his lungs.

"AH! What?!" Harry and the others jumped out of bed as they looked around.

Percy stood in the middle of their dorm fully dressed in a muggle hoodie and jeans with a backpack and a big full smile. "Wake up lazy boys! You are supposed to be in the house of the brave, not hard sleepers!"

"Bloody hell! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Ron groaned as he and the others rubbed their eyes. "It's a Saturday!"

"Yeah! A Saturday! And it's already 8 o'clock! We shouldn't waste away our weekends! Come on Ron! Where's your spirit of adventure?!"

"I left it some time last week." Ron growled through gritted teeth as his eyes filled with pure hate.

"Percy, it's a Saturday, we don't get up on Saturdays. No normal teenager does. Do you understand?" Harry stifled a yawn.

"Oh come on Harry! It's a bright and sunny day!" Percy walked up to their window and grabbed their drawn curtains. "Just look at the sun shine!"

"Don't you dare-!" Ron shouted but before they could do anything Percy threw the curtains open letting the sun come in and hit them hard. They all hissed like the sun had visibly hurt them.

"I hate you so much right now." Seamus Finnigan growled.

"That's it, I say we tie him up and throw him into the black lake." Ron suggested looking positively murderous.

"Oh come on you guys! This world is an amazing and beautiful place! Why do you want to waste away your weekend here in this small room when we can be out exploring a magic fucking castle?!" Percy pleaded.

"Percy, you are new here, so I'll let you off the hook. But for future note, I do not like being woken up." Ron growled. "Least of all on the weekends!"

"So you are just going to laze around all day?!"

"Yes!" They all shouted drapping their blankets over them trying to go back to sleep.

Percy groaned. "Lazy Brits." He drew back the curtains and walked out of the dorm. He would have liked it if they had come with him, but Percy knew he couldn't force them to do anything they didn't want to do.

Percy walked out of Hogwarts castle and walked down the small hill that lead up to the school. The area around it was large open and flat. A few students were outside walking around with their friends or playing frisbee in the field. Some sat near the lake side enjoying the peaceful morning.

Percy reached into his backpack and pulled out his hover board. He placed it on the ground and stepped on it. Kelly poked her head out off Percy's hoodie and looked down cheering in joy. Percy smiled at her. "That's right Kelly, we're gonna fly. Hang on!" Kelly cheered as she grabbed his clothes with both hands and tucked herself into his hoodie.

Banished Into Magic: A Percy Jackson/Harry Potter Crossover Where stories live. Discover now