first day

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Yoongi combed his hair carefully as he prepared for his first night being a bartender, wanting to make sure he looked as professional as possible in an attempt to cover his nervousness. He had called to tell his mother proudly that he had finally gotten a job after months of leeching off his parents for money after he had graduated, but he soon became very quiet when she began asking about the nature of the club he was working in. He didn't really have the courage to tell her that he was working in a gay strip club which had the reputation in Seoul for being home to some of the most attractive guys in the city, if not the world.

The job suited him perfectly; he had time to do his music in the day time and then in the evenings he could stand behind a bar and try his best not to drool over the barely-clothed men in front of him. The nature of his new job was not the only thing Yoongi was keeping secret from his mother, he also hadn't quite gotten round to telling her the rather pressing fact that he was in fact gay. In fact, he hadn't managed to tell anyone.

As a battle rapper by trade he was worried that opening up about his sexuality would just make him targeted to a number of homophobic jokes, as well as tarnishing his reputation. Despite the fact that it was indeed 2018, battle rapping was still riddled with bigotry. It was just an accepted fact that gay people didn't rap. Except ones who kept that part of them pushed down to the very depths of themselves like Yoongi. On stage Min Yoongi was someone very different, someone who bragged about fucking bitches and making money when in reality he was living in a tiny apartment with only instant ramen to keep him going, and he definitely wasn't fucking any bitches. He was fucking anyone because Yoongi had one more rather big secret. He was still a virgin.

He had only come to the realisation that he did indeed like phallic-shaped objects which rested in men's crotches a lot more than vaginas in his last semester of college, and by that point he was too busy studying to explore his sexuality. There had been many moments earlier on in his teenage years where he had come very close to sex, only to find some excuse to leave before things could go further. So there he was at 21, a virgin who was about to work in a strip club which was a little ironic really.

Looking over at the clock, Yoongi decided that he would leave a little early so that he could get to the club and make sure that he made a good first impression. He was wearing a black shirt buttoned all the way up and a pair of skinny jeans which made his legs look far slimmer than they were which always aggravated Yoongi - he wanted to look as bulky and muscular as the guys he rap battled. The strip club was only a few blocks away, and he walked there quickly, hoping that he wouldn't bump into anyone he knew.

As instructed by the owner over the phone, Yoongi used the back entrance and was greeted quickly by his new boss - the charismatic, energetic J-Hope.

"Well done for being so early, I thought I'd just show you around the club to settle you in before your first night. You look the part by the way, very daddy vibes - big dick energy," J-Hope growled jokingly, and Yoongi laughed along with his boss despite the fact that he had no idea what the man was saying or why he was talking about his dick. Which was average size at best, definitely not big.

"This is the main area and as you can see the bar is just to the left so you get to see the show for free every night, you lucky thing," J-Hope pointed round the beautifully decorated room which was already immersed in dark red lighting which gave the place an aura of pure sex, "Your job is simply to pour drinks, we don't have that much of a selection so don't worry about any fancy cocktails. Most customers just order whisky or bourbon because they've seen a thousand actors drink it in any movie which involves a strip club."

Yoongi was already feeling overwhelmed by the building; he had never been anywhere so openly provocative. There were posters of practically naked men all over the walls, and even on the bar itself there were crude naked figurines which he would have to navigate. His discomfort wasn't helped by the openness of his boss who was busy talking about the different strippers they had and all the things Yoongi should expect to see and hear.

"Be prepared for lots of people to hit on you, especially when you're looking so hot," J-Hope said, causing Yoongi to blush hopelessly.

He had been complimented before, but there was something about it coming from someone so openly gay and dominant that made him feel like he wanted to both melt into the ground and rip off his shirt. Shaking these thoughts out of his head, he stationed himself behind the bar and familiarised himself with the bottles and glasses and before he knew it people were piling into the club. The men that walked in were all professional-looking and absolutely swimming in money. Many of them ordered the most expensive wines and spirits off the menu, and Yoongi soon fell into the rhythm of bartending, tuning out the blaring music in his eyes and the sounds of men wolf-whistling at the strippers.

To his surprise he was able to block out the distraction of the strippers, mainly because he felt too embarrassed to look at them without blushing and averting his gaze. The only time he had ever seen naked men had been in porn, and so to see them grinding on poles and people was a little too much for him. The night was ending, and Yoongi was absolutely exhausted when J-Hope announced the last performer. A hush went over the whole room as J-Hope read the name 'Princess' and all at once the crowd went wild.

This peaked Yoongi's attention, and as he looked up his breath became caught in his throat as he stared at the most beautiful man he had ever witnessed before in his life.


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Eek - first chapter posted! I have to say, this is possibly the most fun I've had writing a fic in a while! I love writing this Yoongi, he is so much fun! There is so much to come, so buckle up kiddos because it's time to be introduced into the one, and only, Park Jimin 💜 Stay tuned!

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