Oh My Santa ♛

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Farrah's POV

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Farrah's POV

Jimmy, Fernando, Ramona, Jackson and I were all spread among the living room, caught up in a cheesy movie.

Ramona, Fernando, and Jimmy were on the couch, while I say in Jackson's lap on the floor.

"Merry Christmas. Oh, my Santa. Guys, I worked 60 hours this week. It's four o clock on Christmas Eve, and you still haven't gotten the house Christmas ready?" DJ asked, blocking our view of the movie

"You said, 'Get in the Christmas spirit', so we're watching the most heartwarming Christmas movie ever made- Die Hard." Jackson cheered, making me smile

"Die hard?" Dj asked

"Yippee-ki-yay, moth-" we all began to recite in unison

"Hey, don't finish that thought. Oh, come on, people. I don't smell cookies. I don't see tinsel. I haven't checked the halls, but I'm assuming they're not decked." Dj sighed, looking around the bare room

Max walked down the stairs with Tommy, picking up on the conversation, " Mother, I tried, but they just don't have the Christmas spirit like you, me, and Tommy. None of these lollygaggers moved a muscle. They refused to hang stockings with or without care."

"Oh, Die hard. Now it feels like Christmas." Steph smiled, walking through the kitchen door and admiring the screen

"See what I've been working with?" Max asked, sighing in frustration

Kimmy walked in with a giant Santa sack, bringing our attention to her rather than the argument.

"Oh, I knew I could count on Kimmy for some Christmas spirit. Are you gonna put out presents?" Dj asked

"Not unless someone wants my sweaty gym socks. This is my laundry bag." Kimmy admitted

"Okay, that's it." Dj snapped turning of the tv, making everyone else groan in annoyance

"With Dad, Uncle Jesse, and Aunt Becky visiting Michelle, I was counting on you guys. You are all in my naughty list." Dj said

"You're not gonna tell Santa, are you?" Jimmy asked, looking a bit nervous

"There's no option off the table. I'm gonna see him in 45 minutes because I am taking Max and Tommy to the mall." Dj started as she headed to the door

I grabbed for the remote, when Dj snatched it out of my hand, "And when I get back, this room better be filled with so many Santas, that I couldn't even swing a red nosed reindeer without hitting one."

We all groaned, moving from our spots to deck out the living room in an array of decorations.


At first, I was a bit put off by the thought of Christmas this year because of my parents, but seeing all of our hard work really reminded me of everything the season brought.

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