prologue pt. 1

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song: anything you want (sean turk remix) ~ MOONZz

'it's your skin that makes me tick,
you're an ocean and i'm diving in .'

i felt the sensation of the wind blow through my hair and the street lights dazzle in the sky as small orbs.

was this what it felt like?

"this...this feels amazing." i said with the largest smile on my face with my head down to my torso practically out the car window being supported by my arms.

"ha i know. it helps clear my mind, reminds me that things aren't as bad as it seems. reminds me that i shouldn't care that much over small things." he said quickly sneaking a peek at me while driving.

and that's why i envied him.

"i wish i didn't care all the time," i said while the smile slowly dropped from my face, "maybe it'll be like that some day."

"wait on it. it takes a while. but if you go little by little i promise you it doesn't hurt as bad."

"yeah...just little by little."

little by little | jungkook    Where stories live. Discover now