fourty two

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song- blessed ~ daniel caesar

'yes, i'm a mess but i'm blessed,
to be stuck with you,
i just want you to know that,
if i could i swear i'll go back,
make everything all better .'

sehun p.o.v.

i sat in the passengers seat of the rental car chanyeol was driving,just watching the others cars drive past us outside. the sky was now a deep pink orange shade and all i could think about was how much mi na would love this.

she loved scenery and everything about it. i knew she always wanted to travel. we had even promised ourselves and each other that after high school we would take a gap year and just travel the world together.

of course that was no longer the plan but i still wished for it. 

mi na was perfect in every way. from her brown hair shade that was different from all of her other family members, to her beautiful eyes that i would have to beg her not to put contacts in because she looked fine just the way she was.

the way she enjoyed wearing oversized clothing because she didn't want anyone to know she was pregnant when she left the house. the way she would call me when she was having a bad day and claimed i was the only person who could make her feel better.

the way she could forgive people so easily. i remember the day we had all discussed mi na's pregnancy and made sure we were on the same page about not telling anyone of our classmates. suddenly chanyeol had an outburst and called mi na a liar. he was practically going crazy but all the sentences he was saying didn't make sense but somehow they were all connected. instead of mi na retaliating, she forgave him.

i still don't know what got into chanyeol that day but i suspect it was just the fact that he was going through a lot with his mother's illness.

all i knew was that i loved mi na. so much.

and i knew she loved me too.

she was just being distracted by that boy but sooner or later she'll realize that he's not me and everything will be back to the way it was.

i'm the one who's been with her. i'm the one who loves her. i'm the one who sat there and talked to her everyday on the phone during her pregnancy when her parents forbade us from seeing each other. i was the one who was there with her during her suicide attempt.

i was the father of her baby.

nothing could beat the struggles we went through together.

i didn't know why she made me feel this way but hey, i guess we're all suckers for something.

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