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song: killing me ~ iKON

but it's not easy to get rid of a habit of resembling you .

mi na p.o.v.

i quickly swerved my car into a school campus nearly missing my turn.

i maneuvered around looking for the best place to park despite the fact that i had no idea if i was even doing the right thing.

i finally spotted a empty space and smiled a bit, glad at the fact that there was no car on either side of it cause let's be honest: i suck at parking and unless i want to fuck up the fifth car i'm on, i should probably be more careful.

the spot was painted. it was painted a light bluish purple color and had a twisted line with knots and loops in it. i liked it although i couldn't understand it since the line drawn didn't make much sense.

i pulled in after reversing about a good 3 times after not being able to get my car evenly between the two lines and finally decided that i wasn't going to do any better than i already had it like and put it in park.

i snapped my seatbelt off and sat there.

i took a deep breath. i was going to do this and no one would get in my way this time.

suddenly my phone let a ding. a text from sehun.

'hey man you got this. and even if you don't just remember that now i have to deal with mr. jang alone'

i laughed. i missed him so much. i missed his words and how even when he was joking he still made sense somehow.

i missed his laugh. it was a laugh that could fix a day that was once ruined.

i missed his touch. although he was the only boy that had ever touched me like that, i already knew he was the only person who could satisfy me.

i missed hi-

"HEY!" a voice from the outside of my window echoed through the inside of my car.

i quickly dropped my phone to see a boy. maybe about my age. he was standing there with another boy by his side and they were both sorta just staring at me.

i rolled down my window with a look of confusion.

"uh hey?" i said scrunching up my face while i felt the rain drops slowly slip into the inside of my car through the window.

"just wanted to let you know that you're in my parking spot." the boy said back.

i looked to my side to see a black car with the lights still on waiting by the side.

i let out a big huff. all i could wonder was why he thought he had enough privilege to ask me to move from this spot? did he think that just because i was the new girl he could walk all over me?

"well excuse me," i said confidently letting him know i wasn't planning on moving any time soon, "i was here first and i see no where here saying that it's your parking spot."

he looked at his friend and they both looked back at me with still no emotion. " does say it is my parking spot." as he proceeded to point out the painting job done.

"im guessing you're new...over the summer, all the seniors came to get their parking permits and got to decorate a spot that would be reserved as theirs." he continued.

oh now it made sense.

"oh." i let out sharply while feeling the heat from my embarrassment slowly rise up to my face.

"i mean it's cool, just find a plain parking spot and after school remember to ask them for a permit and all that good stuff." he said calmly.

"oh and by the way my name is jungkook."

"hey! i'm tae," his friend said with a small smile on his face, "if you nee-" and before he could finish his statement his friend had already made his way back to his car waiting for me to move.

he quickly ran from my car and into the passengers side of the car leaving without finishing his sentence.

i sighed.

this was gonna be one hell of a school year i said to myself while moving my car out of his spot.

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