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song: dreaming ~ chymes

i'm wrapped in your warm haze,
i lose myself for days .

jungkook p.o.v.

i looked out the corner of my eye to see mi na playing with her hands looking down.

this was so awkward.

where do i even take her?

then the idea popped in my head.

i quickly swerved into an empty lot and turned my car off.

i watched her look up and i could see the panic in her large eyes.

"where are we?" she asked trying not to make it obvious that she was scared out of her mind.

i couldn't hold my laughter back.

"just trust me." i said while getting out my car, her following.

i watched her eyes dazzle with amazement as we walked across.

she refused at first because of how high up it was but once i mocked her she finally pushed past me and decided to just do it.

she looked out ahead of her at the almost completely dark sky and then down at the cars driving past.

and then i watched her.

a smile appeared on her face.

she turned to me and lightly screamed due to the loudness coming from the cars below, "oh my gosh! this is so scary!"

she started laughing and i couldn't help but join. she finally stopped and looked upwards.

the wind blew through the small strands of hair that laid across her face that didn't fit with the rest of the hair she had put up.

this was the first time i had actually looked at her clearly without her dropping her head or quickly looking away from me.

she had long hair that was a lighter shade of brown, nothing like the color a regular asian would have, and her eyes shaped like a regular asian but her face didn't match that.

and then i noticed it.

her eye color.

one a dark brown, nothing special about it.

and one a deep blue shade.

her clear glasses frame made it a little hard to see everything around her eyes but in the inner corner of the outside of her eye, she had a scar.

i could see her cheeks slowly begin to turn a light shade of red due to the slight breeze.

she was beautiful.

then i watched her take a deep breath and drop her head. she pressed her hands against the wire fence which was the only thing stopping us from falling.

"do you like it?" i asked scared of how quickly her emotion changed.

she didn't respond but i could see she was crying. tear after tear rolling down her soft, tinted face. i watched as she pulled her sleeves to cover her fists as she wiped the tears away slowly not caring if i saw her in this state.

she was hurting and i could tell.

"wait are you okay?" i asked carefully due to the state she was in currently.

little by little | jungkook    Where stories live. Discover now