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song: yestoday ~ nct u

now i can only dream about you holding me tight,
can you hold me tight ?

mi na p.o.v.

i pulled up into my driveway to see my brother's car there already.


i was hoping to beat him home because when i don't he constantly questions me about where i was and what i was doing.

i quickly got out my car and ran up to the front door.

i rubbed my hands across my face trying not to make it obvious i had been crying earlier because of...well everything. just sitting in that coffee shop and texting sehun brought back so many unneeded memories. now here i was reminiscing knowing that every time i did that it ended in tears.

i unlocked the front door slowly sneaking in only to hear my brother.

"so where were you?"

"jackson. please. not today." i pleaded.

jackson had been overly protective of me since the event that caused us to move occurred. although we haven't always lived together, he cares for me as if i'm his daughter.

when my parents moved to the states, my mother had gotten pregnant with me and her relationship with my father fell into a ditch. they stopped talking as often and he was never home.

before i knew it, i had a half brother from another woman that my father had gotten pregnant around a month after my mother got pregnant.

jackson's mother was a fully chinese woman so he doesn't have that korean part to him.

his mother died during child birth.

you would expect my mother to resent jackson considering the fact that his mother ruined her own relationship with my father but she took him in as if he was her own.

it wasn't until i was 13 when i learned that jackson wasn't fully my brother but that didn't change anything.

he left to live with my father after my mother and father broke up for awhile and then after my mother finally decided to leave and move to korea this summer, she took jackson with her and we haven't looked back since then.

you would think that i should hate my father but i just couldn't.

he loved me with all his heart. although his relationship with my mother was severed and completely dead, he still cared for jackson and i so i miss him everyday.

"just don't let it happen again." he said while rolling his eyes and standing up from the staircase.

"so how was your first day?" i asked trying to lighten up the mood.

"it was good. too bad we don't have more classes together." he said shrugging.

"ha too bad," i said laughing glad that i didn't have to deal with him that often at school, "but hey we have calc together so that's good."

"ah speaking of calc, fall asleep one more time and i'm telling mom." he said looking at me.

oh that's right. i couldn't keep my eyes open for the life of me during that class today.

who starts work on the first day of school??

"did you make any new friends?" he continued by asking me.

"yeah actually i did. um one's jaehyun," i said smiling while remembering his face, "and this kid jungkook."

"that's nice, maybe now you can get over that dickhead." jackson said before quickly slapping a hand over his mouth.

i felt my eyes watering knowing who jackson was talking about.

he wasn't a bad person. he just made a mistake.

we made a mistake.

"fuck you, jackson." i said while turning around and walking up the steps on my way up to my bedroom.

"hey! you know i didn't mean that!" he said screaming while watching me walk away.

he knew better than to follow me. when it came to this topic, both him and my mother knew that trying to talk to me would get them nowhere.

i walked up to my bedroom and slammed the door shut.

fuck jackson.

i ripped my bookbag from off my back and took off my skirt revealing the shorts i had on underneath.

i needed to get out this house.

i needed space.

and with a large rush of confidence, i whipped out my phone and texted him.

'hey wanna show me around town?'

i waited in my room for the doorbell to ring.

i had changed to some grey sweats and a black hoodie.

i thought about looking decent but it was just some boy who i didn't like.

plus my heart belonged to someone else too and we had promised to wait for each other.

i decided to take out my contacts and put my glasses on before putting up my hair that i had down for school.

then i heard the doorbell ring.

i quickly grabbed my house keys and phone then ran downstairs.

"hey jackson, i'm going out." i said with no emotion in my voice letting him know that i was still upset with him.

as i reached out to open up the front door, i felt hands lay on my shoulder.

"be mad at me all you want but just know i care about you...there's no one else that knows me like you and knows you like me. i care, that's all. just remember that ok." jackson said before kissing my forehead.

i smiled.

"i all just still hurts ya know."

"i get it." he finished the conversation by saying.

he then reached out instead and opened the front door to reveal a boy standing there.


"uh hey," i said shyly and embarrassingly at the fact that there was a tall boy standing behind me like my protector.

i watched jungkook look him up and down and then say "hey. i'm jungkook...i think i'm in your euro history class?"

jackson looked at him and then back at me and said "have fun." before pushing me out the door and i couldn't help but laugh.

he hates every guy who talks to me.

gotta love having a big brother.

"soo he's your..." jungkook asked waiting for me to finish the statement while we walked towards his car.

"brother? yeah. sorry about his hostility, he's just..." i said trailing off.

"it's all cool. i get it." jungkook said while smiling softly.

i liked when he smiled.

"so!" i said trying to break the awkwardness, "what are we gonna do?"

he looked up at me while opening up his car and smiled largely, "you'll see."

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