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❝ If we were on a date, you would know.

  "YOU CAN'T WRITE that."

  "And why not?"

  "Because it's stupid."

  Jess and Charlie had taken up residence on the ground of his and Luke's apartment. It was the first time they'd worked on their English project together since getting it, Charlie was trying her hardest but anything she wrote was 'stupid' and Jess refused to tell her what he was writing.

  "It just says you write in the margins of books! What am I supposed to write?" Charlie complained, dropping her notebook onto the floor before shoving her fingers into her hair.

  "Write something about my sparkling brown eyes."

  Charlie glanced up to find Jess's deadpan expression matched the bland words. 

  So she threw her notebook at him.

  As hard as she possibly could.


  "I need a good grade on this and you keep trashing whatever I write!" The girl cried out, "And you won't even tell me what you're writing!"

  "Because it's not done yet."

  "Fine, then you can't know what I'm writing until it's done either!" Charlie yanked her notebook back from Jess, slamming it shut.



  Charlie stood, pulling her bag onto her shoulder and walking out of the apartment. Her strides were strong and purposeful as she turned back around at the stairs, flinging the door open to find Jess already standing in the doorway.

  "I'm hungry."

  "Let's go."

  Jess leaned his head against the window as Charlie tapped the steering wheel to the beat of a song he had requested. Lucky for him, Charlie owned an AC/DC CD.

  "Where are we going?"

  "Shh," Charlie waved him off yet again, "We have to make one stop, then I'm taking you for the best Gyros in Connecticut."

  Jess seemed fine now, knowing where they were headed. Until they arrived at a record shop. Charlie was still humming, happily heading into the store without worrying about Jess.

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