Chapter One: Dr Winter

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The year was 1945. World War Two had finally finished with Hitler executing himself along with his family. Yet, a war was still happening. A war between America and Japan.

Many men joined the fight, from both sides. Many men were killed. Numerous injured. Some shocked. Those were injured and shell-shocked were sent to hospitals. Some to medical hospitals others to psychiatrical hospitals. This is where our story begins.

Dr Elsa Winter was an unusual woman. Being a psychiatrist, and a well earned one at that, was unusual for a woman at the time, but she did it wonderfully. She was one of the best. Which was why she was assigned to one of the neuro-psychiatric branches in New York where most of the mentally ill patients went.

Elsa was a stunning woman. Hair that could only be resembled a pearl, with all its glory and colour. It flowed in gentle waves down to her ribcage, but no one was allowed to see her hair in that state. Elsa always placed her hair in a deluxe bun of some sort. Her eyes were captivating. A soft gentle blue that contained specks of silver dust, that seemed to dance whenever she smiled, which was unusual. Her skin was milky white with little flaws, which framed a perfect figure. She was a woman with great appearance, but that was all the men could get from her. She was not a girl who fell in love or ever tried to fall. She simply refused every man.

Elsa sat in her seat comfortable as she laughed wholeheartedly with her patient beside her. He was a young man who lay in the hospital bed. Hair the colour of corn and eyes that resembled the sky after a storm. He was a good looking lad, but that had no effect on Elsa.

"How tall is she?" Elsa questioned with laughter. They were currently talking about the lad's girlfriend. He appeared to be happy with the choice of topic.

"Well..." he pointed to a position on his chest, "she comes to about here on me," again Elsa laughed while the young lad joined in with her, "that is with her high heels on," he added which made Elsa laugh harder.

"A little shrimp isn't she," Elsa commented. He didn't seem to mind the comment. He merely smiled.

"I like them that way," he confessed as he stared across the room, obviously thinking about his girlfriend. He thought about her smiled and laughed. It was the only thing that seemed to make him smile, "want to see a picture of her?" He questioned as he took a picture out from his top right pocket.

She was a pretty little thing. That Elsa could tell, even if the image was black and white. Her soft, ivory shoulders were exposed and her curls fell down her back. Her lips were carefully tinted, what Elsa expected to be red, and her skin was flawless. Her silver eyes shone like twin moons in the grand dining hall. She wore a form-fitting dress of lacey periwinkle. Very pretty indeed.

"Hey, soldier," Elsa cooed as she continued to stare at the picture, "how do you rate her," Elsa admired the girl. She appeared to be a cute, shy girl. One that would make the solider beside her happy, hopefully.

"She says because I'm me," he sighed with happiness. Elsa smiled at this.

"What colour hair has she got?" Elsa questioned as she gazed down at the girl's hair.

"Red," he informed her, which surprised her, "natural."

The Captain had been observing the session between Elsa and soldier for five minutes. He knew that Elsa was good, but he didn't know she was that good. The young lad had hardly spoken towards him or the other soldiers. Nothing seemed to work, but then Elsa came and solved the problem.

"Hello," he announced as he walked in and stood beside Elsa.

The captain was a round man who always managed to have a smile on his face, even with everything he had been through. The only hair on his head were on the sides of his head, which Elsa could see used to be a lovely mud brown but now it was covered in grey hairs from years of stress and struggles. His face consisted of various creases and indents that age brought, but his eyes still contained the youth he used to have. A rich golden brown that held a ring of gold that sparkled slighting within certain lights. Elsa could tell that once upon a time he would have been a handsome man.

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