Chapter Thirteen: Work

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Charlotte Le Bouff had arrived.

She wore a stunning coat in a beautiful cream with faux fur trim. A hat that was beautifully simplistic sculptured design. Creme in colour, manufactured with wool with felt detail all hand sewn. She wore a red dress, that was three-quarter sleeves and stopped mid-thigh. The intriguing thing about the dress was the tight bow that was positioned at the bottom of her neck on her right.

"Why must I go to bed to take my medicine?" She questioned as she watched Elsa collect a pen and paper. Charlotte stood firmly in her place, no intentions in moving.

"It's simply that the flow of thought is easier when the body is horizontal," Elsa explained as she smiled sweetly towards Charlotte who took her jacket and placed it on one of the chairs.

"Why is that?" Charlotte questioned.

"Now look here, I'm supposed to be asking all the questions not you," Elsa scolded, "hat too," Elsa added as Charlotte took her hat of due to Elsa's orders, "Now if you tell me any thought that comes into your head."

"Well, Dr Winter..." Charlotte protested with her eyebrows raised. She positioned herself on the sofa and readied herself to lie down.

"Oh," Elsa laughed as she realised Charlotte's concern, "go right ahead," Elsa urged her as she sat in her seat behind Charlotte, "I've heard everything believe me," Elsa assured her as she pressed a button.

The curtains showing the garden began to close. Charlotte quickly sat up upon hearing the noise of the curtains.

"What is happening?" Charlotte questioned as she managed to make Elsa's form out in the darkness of the room.

"I'm just testing your reactions," Elsa comforted her with a smile as she wrote something down on her pad.

"I thought for that Dr hit you in the knees," Charlotte commented as she once again lay herself back down as Elsa chuckled at Charlotte's response.

"I'm interested in only your mental reactions," Elsa informed her as she yet again pressed another button. This time the button turned on the spotlights on the couch. Charlotte seemed pleased.

"Spotlights I react to very happily," Charlotte stated as she smiled. She appeared to be comfortable with the light shining on her. Charlotte did enjoy the attention.

"I suspected as much," Elsa mumbled under her breath.

A trumpet rang out.

Charlotte reacted yet again. She sat upon the sofa and twirled her legs around. She directed herself towards Elsa, who appeared just as surprised at Charlotte, "is that a reaction?"

Elsa closed her eyes and sighed, "no," she sighed as she rubbed her temples, "that is my brother-in-law," Elsa informed Charlotte as she got up from her seat, "pardon me," Elsa moved towards the far wall which revealed a door that Elsa swiftly unlocked.

There he stood. Dr Kristoff Bjorgman. Elsa's brother-in-law.

Kristoff has broad shoulders and a muscular build. He was rugged and twenty-one years old, the same age as Elsa. Delicate golden blonde hairs fell onto his brow, that shaped his light brown eyes. It was as if their roasted-coffee-bean rim had diffused into a cream-hued iris - mixing until it was the colour of sun-dried beech wood. His nose was quite big and fair skin with a few freckles across his nose.

Elsa marched her way towards him. Kristoff made no attempt to look at her. He knew she was there by the simple slam of the door that she had purposely done.

"Kristoff," Elsa exclaimed as he contiued to blow the horn, "Kristoff, I'm working," Elsa tried again but her brother made no attempt to stop for her. Elsa grasped the sheet that her brother was reading, "Kristoff I am working," she repeated as he finally turned towards her as he sat on his desk.

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