Chapter Twelve: Early

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It was early morning. The sun rose higher in the sky, painting colours of orange and pink. Though Elsa never got to see the extraordinary colours of the sky due to all the skyscrapers. The birds sang the sweet songs to brighten the morning, yet Elsa could not hear them, not over the sound of car horns. The air would have been sweet and crispy but the car fumes spread poison into the air.

Elsa woke up early. Trying to get out of the little date Jack had mentioned the other night. She walked into her office bright and early.

"Morning, Rapunzel," Elsa cheered as she watched one of her close friends read. Elsa wouldn't have recognised the book if she didn't recognise the blond on the front cover. 'Biography of a blonde' by Charlotte Le Bouff.

Rapunzel silenced her friend quickly as she continued to read. Rapunzel happened to enjoy reading and the book had her hooked.

Rapunzel was a pretty girl, that anyone could tell you by the first glance at her. Hair that was blonde with the essence of gold, resembling that of honey, whisky, wheat, which was braided like a thick rope and bundled at the nape. Her eyes were the type of brown that was like sweet chocolate. The chocolate that melted at the slightest bit of the heat from love, or happiness. Her skin is the hue of caramel and formed a slim hourglass figure

"I hated to ask you to read that trash," Elsa sighed as she came towards Rapunzel and her neat little desk, "I thought it might help discuss the case with me," Elsa grasped the book from her friend's hands, hoping to save her from a boring read.

"I'm on page seventy-eight," Rapunzel exclaimed as she snatched her book from Elsa, "he's the one she met in Rome," Rapunzel informed Elsa who appeared shocked and amazed that she was actually engaged in such a book, "now I know what they mean by 'when you're in Rome do as the Romans do'," Rapunzel sighed as she sat back on her seat.

Elsa merely scoffed towards her friend and gave her an eye roll. Taking her main from Rapunzel's desk, Elsa made her way towards her office door.

"What are you doing down here at this time in the morning?" Rapunzel questioned, not taking her eye off her book.

"Oh, I have a Nixie snapping at my heals," Elsa informed her as she flipped through her letters before entering her office.

Rapunzel happened to be Elsa receptionist and closets friend. The two had met when Rapunzel applied for the job as her receptionist and they have grown closer and closer over the years. Elsa considered her as her closeted friend, as did Rapunzel.

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The door bell rang.

Olaf made his way towards the doors. He had not expected companioning until Elsa returned from work, but he appeared to be wrong.

Opening the door, Jack appeared with a beaming smile. He wore a dark blue jacket with matching pants that held his badges across the coler and the American crest on side of his shoulder. Underneath a perfectly clean white shirt.

"Good morning Olaf," Jack beamed as he walked through the door swiftly, "I Dr Winter in?" Jack questioned as he eyes the kitchen and drawing room, hoping to see Elsa.

"No sir," Olaf informed him. Jack swiftly turned around at his answer, "you see, she was expecting you," Olaf confessed with a sad smile. Olaf knew that Elsa could be difficult with people, even to the nicest of people. Olaf thought it was because she never wanted to get attached to someone so that they could never brake her. So that she may never become heartbroken or simply broken.

"She ran away again," it sounded like a questioned but Jack was merely mumbling to himself, "that's very encouraging," Jack expressed with a smug smile across his face.

"It is sire?" Olaf questioned in surprise.

"Sure," Jack exclaimed as he took a peep into the kitchen and lounge before returning his attention towards Olaf, "you don't know anything about woman at all, do you?"

"Apparently not sire," Olaf expressed as he shook his head slightly.

"Do you think she'd miss a cigarette if I borrowed one?" Jack questioned suddenly.

"Oh, yes," Olaf walked forward, "follow me, sire," he directed Jack towards a small box that lay on a table in the corner that contained all of Elsa's cigarettes that she never touched but kept them for her guests.

"I'll return it," Jack assured as he collected the cigarette Olaf held out for him, "It will give me an excuse to come back," Jack stated before he looked around again, "now this is quite a layout here," Jack commented as he continued to examine the apartment, "there must be a lot of crazy people around," Jack mused as a smile came to his own lips at his joke.

"Dr Winter is a very rich woman sir," Olaf notified Jack as he placed his hands behind his back and looked around the drawing room himself, "she has a great deal of money."

"She quite a girl isn't she," Jack noted as he smiled towards himself as he remembered her fiery temper and gorgeous appearance.

"Yes, sir," Olaf agreed as he held out a match for Jack, which he soon lit, "I owe a great deal to Dr Winter," Olaf admitted as he lit Jack's cigarette.

"For what?" Jack asked.

"She cured me," Olaf revealed as he blew the match out and placed it in the ashtray that he had to clean out.

"Really? What did she cure you off?" Jack urged as he began to examine his surroundings again. He gazed towards the painting o the walls, hoping to gain a better understanding of Elsa. He then examined every picture, trying to understand her history.

"Wandering," Olaf stated in a simple tone, "I just wondered. She said that I had no purpose in life, no direction. Just on the move outdoors in the sun and the rain, why I was just a tramp."

Jack turned, "did you like it?" Jack questioned suddenly.

"I loved it," Olaf confessed with enthusiasm as he remembered the days he would walk in the sun and rain, with no care, "isn't it awful," he tone changed. He expressed a tone of disgrace and humiliation.

"What's about it?" Jack exclaimed as he moved across the room yet again with Olaf followed close behind.

"Well," Olaf began as he tried to think of a suitable answer.

"So Dr Winter took a hold of you and sorted you right out," Jack seed as he continued to walk while he shook his head in disagreement towards Elsa's actions. He didn't agree that people should influence someone else's life. Only one person could do that and that was themselves.

"Yes sir, isn't it wonderful of her," Olaf beamed, "now I have settled down, got a good job and everything. Like I say, I owe Dr Winter a great deal," Olaf cheered with a grand smile on his face.

Jack turned his attention on Olaf again as he made his way towards the door. Jack didn't seem as impressed as Olaf. In fact, Jack was impressed at all. He was disgusted that someone could willingly change someone's life just because they didn't think it was appropriate, healthy or suitable.

"oh what a dangerous business," Jack commented as he paused at the doorway, "carelessly picking up people's and putting them down where she thinks they out to be," Jack explained before Olaf asked, "and I bet she never heard of a thing called a booby trap," Jack confided in Olaf as he placed a hand on his shoulder before turning and leaving through the open door.

Olaf stood for a mere second, comprehending what Jack had just said. He thought about Elsa and her cleverness. No there was no possible way that she would fall int a booby trap. She was simply too smart for such a trick.

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