Chapter Twenty-Eight: Heartbreak

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Suffering. That what most people described it. Although Elsa believed it was much more than just "suffering". It was a plethora of shattered bones, burning flesh, and cracked skulls. In other words, it was pain and it was painful. Heavy, the air seemed to be as the agonizingly long as days drew on. The wants and needs to shed a tear but feeling nausea by the thought. If Elsa had lost her sight she would have not have seen the same darkness? If she lost everyone near her would she still recognize no one? And for what? To be reminded that she would've cared for him. That she loved, as much as she wished she didn't. Dr Elsa Winter was In love with Jack Frost. there was no denying that. Yet, Jack did not love her, not anymore.

Elsa went back to work. As if nothing had happened. The walls that protected her emotions were back up. Unstable, but there were once again standing.

"Wednesday at three Oclock for Mr Lindsey," Elsa informed Rapunzel in a professional tone before turning towards Mr Lindsey, "I'll see you then," Elsa and the man shook hands as her next appointment readied herself to enter.

"You can step right in, Mrs Peterson," Elsa urged the woman as she walked into Elsa office, "I'll be with you in a minute," Elsa informed her as she turned to Rapunzel. Rapunzel was informed with the events of last night and tried her best not to show her worry and sympathy towards Elsa, "you haven't heard from either of them, have you?" The desperation in Elsa's voice was clear to Rapunzel and it struck her more than anything.

"No," Rapunzel responded, making sure not to have a hint of emotion, "not either of them. That's a potent brand of aspirin you put out," Rapunzel mused but Elsa looked down at her with disgust and shock.

"Don't be vulgar," Elsa scolded Rapunzel who's eyes widened. Elsa was more broken that she appeared to be, "doesn't mean the slightest thing to me one way or the other," Elsa assured Rapunzel but it sounded as if it was to reassure herself.

The door opened. In came a delivery boy. In his hands was a bouquet. A bouquet of lilacs. Dozens of lilacs. Elsa stopped in her stance. Her face fell. The little colour that was evident in her face, faded instantly.

"Dr Winter, these are for you," the young boy clarified as he gestured to the flowers and held them out to her. Elsa didn't move. She was too shocked. Too hurt. The walls fell. Crumbled.

He walked towards her and Elsa backed away, "they ain't poison ivy," he assured Elsa as she shook her head gradually, "they're lilacs," Elsa was against the wall as the boy moved slightly closer.

"I know," Elsa mumbled.

"I'll take care of it," Rapunzel spoke up as she came round from her desk and held her hands out to collect the flowers.

"No, no," Elsa protested as she gazed at the flowers, "I'll take care of them, they were sent to me," Elsa reluctantly took the flowers in her arms, "thank you," Elsa thanked the boy who beamed towards her. Elsa had never detested Lilacs as much as she did now. She hated the very sight of them. The sweet smell invaded her nose and mocked her.

"You know I'm nuts about Lilacs, myself. I guess it's because they bloom so early in the spring. They always seem like that stand for the beginning of something," the boy spoked Elsa fell deeper and deeper under her sadness.

"For petty sakes, go away," Rapunzel shooed the boy away as soon as she realised how depressed Elsa was becoming.

Once the door shut, Elsa spoke, "lilacs," Elsa held the flowers with a saddened smile.

Yes, I see," Rapunzel responded. No emotion detected.

"This means my patient it well," Elsa assured Rapunzel who gave a small smile.

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