Chapter Twenty: Salt

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Rapunzel and Elsa sat in Elsa's office. The two of them gathered around a coffee table that had various different foods. The food consisted of small amounts. Bread, ham, salad etc. Drinks consisted of milk, water, tea or coffee, nothing too special. It was a rather small meal for the two of them, but they enjoyed it never the less.

"How long will it be before we can go out to lunch again?" Rapunzel asked as she poured herself a glass of water. Behind Rapunzel stood the large open window that had the blinds drawn, as if to keep them from prying eyes.

"This bread doesn't seem very fresh," Elsa commented, neglecting Rapunzel's question.

"That bread is perfectly fresh," Rapunzel countered as she returned back towards the table with a glass of water and a tea in the other hand, "I bought it on the way down this morning," Rapunzel explained as she placed the tea in front of Elsa. "Door locked, curtains drawn," Rapunzel commented as she looked towards the locked doors and then towards the large window, "what are you afraid of, anyway?" Rapunzel questioned as she was well aware that Elsa was hiding from something, she just didn't know what.

"Afraid of," Elsa scoffed as she took a bite of her salad.

"These aren't the dark ages for pity sakes, "Rapunzel teased as she sat on the large pouch sofa, "he won't grab you by the hair," Rapunzel expressed as she realised what might be the cause of Elsa's panic, "you can always say no," Rapunzel brought a slice of bread and spread the butter that she had also received that morning long the loaf, "or can you?" Rapunzel smirked as she took a bight.

Elsa stiffened at Rapunzel's commented, "this bread isn't the only thing around here that's fresh," Elsa remarked, hoping to change the topic again, "where's the salt?" Elsa questioned as she looked along the table.

Rapunzel gazed around the table and then along the floor to see if the two had dropped it. Finding nothing, Rapunzel spoke, "your sister has probably snitched it again."

"Oh, she's getting to be a regular pack-rat," Elsa remarked which earned a small laughed from Rapunzel, "would you mind getting it for me?" Elsa asked politely as she took a sip from her tea.

"Gladly," Rapunzel stated as she sat up from her seat. Rapunzel walked towards the door but suddenly paused, "oh, may I go this," Rapunzel questioned as she pointed towards the door that would lead her outside towards the garden, "I've been told that there's fresh air out there," Rapunzel stated sarcastically which earned an eye roll from Elsa, "If I my memory serves me right."

* * *

"Will you love him, comfort, honour and keep him in sickness or health and forsaking all others keep you only onto him as long as you both shall live?" An immense man spoke, with a thick accent. The man was tall, buff, and a little rotund. He had bright blue eyes, thick black eyebrows, and a long white beard and moustache. Looking at his appearance, he looked to be quite threatening, but his kind eyes and soft voice proved him to be otherwise.

"I will," Anna stated with a blank expression as she held Mr Frost's left hand. Jack stood beside her, looking towards the strange man. Neither appeared to have an expression across their faces. Two just watched the man perform his duties.

Rapunzel, standing by the door, witnessing the act, turned pale. The more the strange spoke, the more Rapunzel's face fell.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," he announced in a strong raspy voice.

Rapunzel took a step back. Her balance appeared to be failing her. Her head ached and all of a sudden she didn't trust her own eyes. Rapunzel knew that Elsa's sister Anna was happily married to Kristoff, but she had witnessed her marriage to the man she had met a few days ago-Mr Frost was it?

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