Chapter Eleven: Irresistible Force Meats An Immovable Body

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"What is that gadget there?" Anna questioned as she pointed towards one of Jack's badges that lay on his jacket, "I never seen one of those before," Elsa merely wished her sister would stop being so friendly. Elsa wanted Jack gone, but Anna always liked to talk, especially to a stranger.

Jack looked towards the badge she was pointed to before answering, "artist correspondent," Jack answered as he proudly flaunted his badge towards the two girls.

"Oh artist," Anna urged as she took another sip from her champagne. Elsa by this point pored herself another. She would need a few drinks before the night ended.

"I do a strip," Jack informed.

Anna's eyes widened. She misunderstood.

"You do?" Anna asked as her eyes alternated towards her sister.

Recognising what Anna thought Jack went to amend her thoughts, "in the funnies," Jack informed her as he grasped the sheet he had drawn for Elsa. Elsa was reluctant to give Jack the paper. Jack, in the end, had to rip it from her hands.

"Olaf," Elsa turned as Olaf placed the silver platter on the tray table. On the silver platter lay three prawn cocktails. One for Elsa, one for Anna and one for Mr Frsot. Elsa had no intention to have him for dinner, "I'm afraid you've misunderstood," again she shewed him away.

"But the cook asked me-" Olaf began, but didn't finish.

"I'm sure she did, Olaf," again Elsa gestured with her hands to take the tray away. Reluctantly and gingerly Olaf took the starters away.

"You sure, I'm not disturbing your dinner?" Jack questioned as he witnessed Elsa's and Olaf's encounter. Jack had moved away from Anna was inspecting the drawing Jack had shown her.

Elsa looked towards him, "oh, mercy no. Where did you get that idea?"

Anna walked towards them as she contiued to examine the drawing. She seemed to be amused by the drawing, "say, Frost," Jack looked towards her, "Jack Frost," Anna recited, "you're the Nixie fellow."

"Anna don't tell me you-" Elsa scoffed.

"You know my brainchild?" Jack asked as he turned his attention onto Anna.

"Greatest discovery since penicillin," Anna mused as she clicked her drink with his. Jack turned to Elsa with an amused smile while she rolled her eyes. Turning his attention back towards Anna, "I wish I had the never to act like him, " Anna confessed with a sigh, "this morning he threw an egg into an electric fan," she informed her sister as she was well aware that Elsa skipped that part of the papers.

"That reminds me," Elsa spoke up, "we're having an omelette for dinner," Elsa informed her dinner.

"All my life I wanted the throw an egg into a fan," Anna confessed as she nudged Jack in the arm to gain his attention again, she succeeded.

"Why don't you?" Jack questioned as Elsa scoffed towards Jack.

"Why encourage her in things like that?" Elsa exclaimed as she looked towards Jack with disbelief. It was strange Jack was in a man's body but he appeared to have a mind of a child. If he didn't annoy Elsa so much she was sure he would be interesting to test.

"It would make her feel good," Jack explained but Elsa still didn't seem to understand.

"Oh, I suppose that's the answer to everything," Elsa argued as Anna watched the two bicker as if they were an old married couple. Though Anna enjoyed being involved in a conversation, she liked watching the two bicker. The more they bickered the more they looked like a married couple and Anna enjoyed the scene.

"Well if everybody felt good then human relationships would be what they were intended to be," Jack countered as he looked towards Anna for confirmation as she nodded her head in agreement.

"I've always wanted to meet someone from never-never-land," Elsa sneered as she gave him her best fake smile. Jack didn't appear to be fazed by her sarcastic and harsh comment,

"Dr Winter, I beg your pardon," Olaf interrupted the scene, "but my omelette is sagging badly," Olaf stated towards them all.

"Never let it be said that I was responsible for such a thing," Jack remarked as he placed his drink down and made his way out.

Anna swiftly made her move, "won't you have dinner with us," Anna ignored all her sister's attempts at glaring at her and gesturing for her to stop.

"Oh by all means," Elsa spoke suddenly, "Olaf is famous for his omelettes," Elsa expressed as Anna smiled wickedly, her plan was working, "of course we could only find four eggs," Elsa realised what Jack's mind may lead to and quickly added, "but they're large."

"No thanks," Jack thanked, "our date is for breakfast," he reminded her, "see you in the morning."

"You do that," Elsa stated as she watched Jack collect his hat that he had placed on the table.

"I'll see you to the door," Anna Implored as she placed her glass down and followed after Jack.

"Thankx," Jack thanked Anna as he gestured her to go in front, "see you in the morning."

"So you said," Elsa reminded him as she smiled politely, "thanks for the warning."

- - -

"My husbands and my office join my sister's," Anna informed Jack as Olaf stood by the opened the door, "in case she means the guns in her own," Anna mused as she smiled towards Jack.

"Oh, thank you, ma'am," Jack thanked as he took her hand and shook it gently. Jack knew that he and Anna were going to get along just fine. He had nothing to worry about her. Elsa seemed to be his biggest problem.

After a few goodbyes towards Anna and Olaf, Jack walked out as they replied with their own farewells. The door was soon shut and Anna and Olaf were left. Olaf watched as Anna began to think.

"Olaf," Anna caught his attention as she kept her hand on the drawing Jack had drawn, "this presented a very interesting problem in physics," Anna stated as she bit her bottom lip nervously.

"what does ma'am?" Olaf questioned. Not understanding where Anna was leading the conversation.

Looking through the lounge, Anna searched for Elsa before saying her next words. If Elsa was to hear her, Anna was sure she would be in trouble, "it's never been determined what happens when an irresistible force," Elsa gestured towards the door, meaning Mr Frost, "meets an immovable body," Anna gestured to Elsa as she moved gingerly into the lounge with Olaf shadowing her movements.

"It hasn't ma'am?" Olaf questioned as Anna paused to daze towards him.

"No," Elsa confirmed, "but we're about to find out," Anna whispered enthusiastically.

"We are?"

"We are," Anna confirmed with a beaming smile, "there's liable to be quite an explosion," Anna mussed as she let out a chuckle.

Things were going according to plan and soon Elsa would be falling. Falling hard.

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