Chapter Twenty-Two: Overconfidence Fall Easily Into The Simplest Of Traps

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Elsa stood for a mere moment. She gazed toward the door. Her mind needed a moment to comprehend what she had just seen and experienced. Elsa was having trouble believing herself. It felt like a dream, but not quite as pleasant.

Elsa had never seen such a patient. A man who married people. Elsa's mind tried to comprehend the idea. Trying to gather her thoughts over the circumstances of which would lead him to become so...unusual.

"All I want to know is did you see it too?" Rapunzel questioned as she watched Elsa walk towards her. Rapunzel could detect the bewilderment and confusion within Elsa's eyes. She appeared to stumble slightly. Her skin a lighter tone white, if that was possible for Elsa's complexion.

Elsa turned her head towards Rapunzel, swallowing hard, "yes," she admitted as she turned her attention towards her desk. She needed to sit down.

"Thank heavens," Rapunzel sighed in relief as she clutched her chest in pure comfort. Rapunzel relaxed as she lay on the sofa, "then I haven't lost my mind," Rapunzel mused as she finally sat up from her seat. She watched as Elsa sat herself down.

"It's the most astonishing thing I've ever seen in my life," Elsa commented as she sat back in her seat. There was no need to appear professional, not with Rapunzel. The two knew each other well enough.

"I call that an understatement," Rapunzel remarked as she eyebrows widened towards Elsa. Elsa merely nodded to Rapunzel as she contiued to go over the events in her mind. Elsa's couldn't seem to understand, yet that wasn't going to stop her.

"Anna has no right to treat a patient like that," Elsa declared as she straightened herself in her seat, "he needs help," Elsa finally gazed towards Rapunzel, who remained standing over her desk.

"Your sister?" Rapunzel queered.

"No," Elsa stated suddenly as her eyes widened at the thought. Perhaps her sister did need help but it was nothing Elsa would consider important. Her sister was just a bubbly character, "no Anna was obviously going along with him just to humour him," Elsa reassured Rapunzel who nodded her head gradually, "he marries people," Elsa explained towards Rapunzel.

"Yes," Rapunzel spoked as she looked over her shoulder towards the door, "I know."

"In all my experience I've never come in contact with a mania like that," Elsa spoked her mind as she neglected that Rapunzel was in the room for a moment, "I wonder what's in back of it," Elsa rested her hand on her desk and leaned her chin against her knuckles.

"This is one time I wouldn't look if I were you," Rapunzel expressed as she interrupted Elsa's train of thought.

* * *

"Here's my address," North gave Anna a small rectangular card with his name and address, "she is beautiful," North complimented which brought a smile on Jack's face, "but today a little..." North made a gesture with his hands. Jack forced his complaint down with a bit of his lip.

"Don't worry about the licence," Anna interrupted as she herself did not feel comfortable with the insult North was inflicting on her elder sister, "I obtained it for her," Anna beamed as she looked over to Kristoff who gave his wife a puzzled expression, "but don't ask me how," Anna murmured to Jack and North who gave her a peculiar look.

"Its very irregular," North commented as she crossed his arms.

"You're sure you're gonna be able to get her out there?" Jack questioned as he ignored North.

Kristoff once again scoffed behind the three of them. Anna, ignoring her husband, spoke, "leave that to me," she beamed as she gestured them towards the door. Again, Kristoff scoffed, but this time was able to hide it from his wife.

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