Hey, you okay? [rin x reader soulmate AU!]

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Soulmate AU in which the first words your soulmate tells you is tattooed on your wrist



["Don't say you want to die. Live on without giving up!"

...How foolish it is to say songs with lyrics like that are correct.]

Running along the sidewalk, your eyes unconsciously gravitated towards the thin line of words imprinted on your wrist.

[hey, you okay?]

No, I'm not. If I was, I wouldn't have decided to end my life tonight.




[In truth, I couldn't care a bit if I died, but I'd be pretty sad if the people around me did. I suppose it's some kind of ego; that goes "because I just wouldn't like it"]

The sky was darkening, the sun disappearing along the horizon, its golden rays sending streaks of light across the ground, the glare overwhelming.

Tonight there'll be fireworks. As everyone is celebrating the hanabi (firework viewing festival), I'll be gone. No one will care, I'm all alone anyway.


[ Not caring if strangers live or not,
And hating someone else just seems like some kind of fashion now
But "live peacefully" nevertheless? What a wonderful thing that would be indeed... ]

Turning around a corner, you stop in front of a small apartment block. Scanning your key card, you enter, head up to your unit and collapse on the sofa.

Staring at the ceiling, you let out a shaky breath as painful memories gush back into your mind. くそー [damn it!] I just can't get away from them.

Your parents had divorced when you were 16, and you were sent to live with your father, who was more financially stable. However, he travelled overseas often for work, thus most of the time you came home to an empty, lonely house.

When you turned 18, your father passed on due to a heart attack from stress and overwork. As you were already 18 years old, there was no need for you to live with a caregiver/guardian, and you inherited your father's house and money.

After you finished high school, you moved to Tokyo to study at a university there. Although you had quite a large amount of money from your father, you still had to work part-time at a cafe to pay the rent and tuition. Juggling work and school were hard, and you were exhausted pretty much every day. Then some students in school found out about your solitary life. They called you a worthless person whose mother couldn't even bring herself to love and a burden who caused your father so much stress.

You knew their words weren't true, but still, they hurt like hell. The sickly feeling in your stomach. The bile rising up your throat. The fast pounding of your heart that made you feel like there was a hole in your chest.

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