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The Black Widow's. The roughest, toughest, meanest, sassiest gang there is. There's the leader of the gang, Rosie, except in this gang they don't use their real names they go by their gang names. Rosie's gang name is Rogue because she resembles the red headed mutant from XMen. With auburn hair and brown eyes. Long legs, which make her very tall, and arms that she uses every day to kick anyone's butt. Then there's Callie or other wise known as Belle. She's second command. A kinda short girl with curly hair and blue eyes who is very very sassy. Next in command is Fox and Raven also known as Sasha and Payton. Raven is very mysterious with black hair and dark brown eyes that shoot razor sharp daggers at you when you make her had. Fox is very sneaky with strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. You can barely believe that she is in a gang but yet that her specialty. tricking people into believing she's a very innocent person, and then when your back is turned she strikes. Last but not least is the baby of the gang, also known as Snake Eyes. But her real name is Maddie. She's the youngest but she picks up the slack. Welcome to The Black Widow's web where most the people don't dare tread.

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