Moment of sedation

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(The picture above is my flat to be. It seems so cozy, I can't wait... Also, might be smut in this chapter!!!)

It was the very next day after the end of the revolution. The snow kept falling, and by the time of the morning a decent amount of snow fell down. Were really sleepy. You only remembered the last night by fragments. In your room there was almost total darkness, only a ray of sunshine came in through the window, between the waves of your curtain. You sleepily opened your eyes and looked around in the search of Connor. You tapped the bed next to you only to find it empty. You turned around to look for your phone on the table beside your bed. As you reached the device, you opened it and the light almost blinded you.

5:16 A.m.
November 12. Tue

It was stil pretty early, so you just places the phone down and turned on your other side. You pulled the blanket to your head. Thanks to this your leg felt the air, which was colder than it has gotten used to. You frowned but didn't wanted to pull the blanket back, so you just pulled your legs to your stomach. With your upper hand you hugged it then stared to the dark for a moment.

You were cold, you missed someone to snuggle to, but Connor wasn't here. You wondered if he was just in another romm, or went somewhere. You almost felt like the darkness approached you in a way, you could never endure it.

Soon you heard the bedroom door open. You heard soft steps on the wooden floor of your bedroom, then you felt the weight of someone pushing the bed down on the other side. You felt as he crawled closer to you, then you felt warm hands around you.

"Connor." you whispered his name just to let him know you know he is here.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." he said. You turned around and put your nead on his hand. You snugled to his chest letting hum cuddle you. You closed your eyes once again as you were in his arms. You felt safe, you felt warm, you felt loved, and you felt... Happy?

"Should I lower my temperature to help you wake up?" he asked. You just shooked your head as you snuggled to his chest.

"What do you plan on doing today?" he asked you again.

"Can't we just stay in the bed?" you asked.

"Unfortunately, we can't. You have work today, and after everything that happened yesterday, all the androids need to go to the major office to start the feeing process." Connor stated. You just groaned. "Of course we can stay a bit longer if you please." he smirked, then pushed you to your back, and climed on the top of you.

You looked at him smiling.

"Do you mean, what I think yo-" you were interrupted by him, kissing your lips. You smiled into the kiss as you put your hands around his neck. You felt as the hand he wasn't holding himself with, started to go on it's own journey, in discovering your body. At first he was just caressing your cheekbone and neck, but soon, he arrived to your pj shirt. You pushed him back into sitting position so you could threw the chlothing to the floor.

He then nailed you to the bed by kissing you roughly. You felt as your body started to realise what was going on, and a tension started building up in your lower body.

Connor's kisses were sweet, as he left a trail of them on your body from your mouth, down on your neck, leading through your breasts, and your stomach to the only part of cloching you had on left.

Falling skiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें