New problems

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You knew changes were to come. You knew, and yet you decided to ignore the possibility, that those changes can be bad. When you woke up, you already had 10+ messages on your phone. Some were from North, thanking the help from a couple of hours ago. Some were from Markus, asking for help. Both in his personal life, and as the leader of the android revolution. Simon also messaged you, kindly asking how's it going. Ralph sent a message too, stating that he is sorry, that he disappeared, but he was too afraid during the revolution. And some were from the station. It was flooding from android harrasment cases. Either the androids came for help, or the humans said that their androids were attacking them.

When you got up, you didn't want to eat breakfast. Connor already made you a toast, and put some jam on it, but all you wanted to do, was to rush to the station, and get ready.  You gave a kiss to Connor and ran outside. He came after you, givig your breakfast to you, at the bus station. For the first time in forever, you could actually be there in time. You were excited from the day. When you arrived to the station, it was like you arrived to an anthill. The receptionist androids almost couldn't  do anything with all the people trying to tell their cases.

You fought your was through the people, then walked to the back. You were visible for your co-workers for around 3 seconds, when you heard someone loudly shouting.

"Hank! (Y/N)! Gavin! Office! Now!"

You looked at Hank. It felt like an eternity since you could talk to him, and you really wanted to chat with him again. Hank also looked at you then started walking to Fowler's office. Gavin was nowhere to be seen, but suddenly he appeared from shomewhere and followed you around. 

When the glass door closed behind you, you were relieved. You thought that maybe today will be the day, when Fowler didn't wake up as angry as he does every day. You thought that today he might have waken up like Cinderella in the first Disney movie, before that crappy redrawn version. You really hoped he did, because the "new" movie in 2024 was a total fail, and disney promised that they won't touch Cinderella's story for the next 50 years at least.

The three of you lined up in front of Fowler silently. 

Fowler looked at you then at Gavin and at the end at Hank. "You three are one of my best detectives right now, at the station. Hank, and (Y/N), you need to get a bit more public, after what the androids did, and because the roles, you palayed in the revolution. Gavin, you will need to join the team android detectives, because you will get a new partner. " Fowler stated calmly. At this moment everyone started shouting.

Hank: "There is no fucking way, I'm gonna go public! What am I gonna say to the reporters ha? I am no other than a drunken detective! Will I just say that, 'Oh, yes, Connor, my determinant son is a fuckin android.'? Ha? Fowler, wkat kind of fucked up idea is this? Which motherfucker had the brilliant plan, to put my in the spotlight, tell me their name, and I fucking swear to god, that I will give them a so fucking bif bitchslap, that the floor will give the second!"

Gavin: "Fuck those fuckers, I'm not fucking gonna have one of those plastick pricks as my partner. Those bastards barely can tell what's the difference between fucking humans and them. I'm not fucking gonna cooperate with you this time, I'd rather give back my fucking badge and gun than to work with one of those motherfuckers!"

You just stood between them in the middle, and didn't say a word. Fowler just put his hand on his forehead, looking like he was facepalming. He looked so done with everybody.

"Enough! Hank! I was that motherfucker who had that plan, and you fucking do your job for once in the lifetime. If you don't you won't just get your disciplinary folder bigger, but I'm gonna fucinf fire you! And Detective Reed, you will fucking work with those bastards bacuse I said so. I didn't say that you have to like it, or anything, this is your fucking job, so you fucking gonna do it. Hank didn't like it first either and now they are buddies. I'm sure you can handle the situation too. And (Y/N)!" you liiked at him scared.

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