91 - Numbers (AU)

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Time was never on my side. Whenever I went somewhere or had to meet someone, it always had a way to piss me off. Like, I could get to the venue a way too early or way too late. I could go to a shop and find something cute to buy the next day since I didn't have enough money on me and when I return, it was out of stock.

So when I turned 16, I was pissed off to see zeros on my wrist. Once a person reaches the age of sixteen, the countdown to the time they meet their soul mates appear on their wrists. There are ten numbers in total, grouped into five pairs indicating the months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds respectively. However, if their partner has not reached that certain age, only dashes will appear. And me, being unlucky, ended up with 00:00:00:00:00  and it has been two years since it remained that way.

"Mom, is it possible to not have a soul mate?" I asked once, sitting down on the couch near where she was sprawled out on the floor, trying to wrap gifts for Christmas.

"Everyone was made for someone, y/n." She explained, taking the moment to sit up straight and look up at me. "There may be a possibility that you have met them already, thus why the numbers say zero. You will know who it is if you feel a connection that pulls you two together."

I groaned and let myself fall back into the cushions. "I'm not sure if that would make sense. I literally only had one crush in my life."

She looked at me in shock and before she could open her mouth to say something, the door bell rang. I sprung up from the couch and ran over to the door. I was then greeted by my best friend's heartwarming smile and  couldn't help but mirror it on my own face. I threw my arms around him, catching him off-guard

"Hey you." He said, chuckled and spun me around. "Missed me?"

"Dude, I haven't seen you in forever!" I exclaimed as he put me down.

"It's only been a week, y/n!"

"I know. It felt like a long time though."

We both went into the house, joking around with each other. I couldn't help but feel my heart race by just having him near. He's my best friend but I couldn't help but fall for him, even at a young age. Mother said that maybe the lack of any other numbers on my wrist means that I've met him already but I know it's not Shawn. He probably already found his and if he hasn't, I'm not going to get my hopes up. He's just my best friend.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. y/last/name." Shawn greeted, sending a smile over to her as we made our way to the stairs.

"Oh, Shawn! What brings you here?" She greeted, standing up  from the floor to give him a quick hug.

"I wanted to ask if I could bring y/n to a party my friend is holding as a countdown for the new year.  Is that okay?"

"What? No!" I exclaimed, but my mother placed her hand on my mouth.

"Of course, Shawn. Just make sure that neither of you gets drunk, okay?"

"Thank you." He said, smirking at me as I stared at both of them incredulously.

He then pulled my hand and dragged me to my room in order for me to get ready. I tried to dig my heels into the floor to stop him but, much to my dismay, he turned around and carried me into his arms despite my weight. He then dropped me on the bed before walking over to my closet.

"Shawn, do I have to?" I asked, pouting at him.

"You heard your mom." He said as he looked at the dresses hung in the deeper part of the closet. "Besides, it will be fun. And I know you hate going to social gatherings but I'll stick by your side, okay?"

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