Chapter 24

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{ Peter Parker }

| Location: New York City ( Test Lab ) |

| Date: 4-10-2019 |

| Time: 11.41 A.M. |

My gut told me to look for water and supplies. With a bit of my memory back, I could tell that I was in New York City, Harlem. I already walked quite a distance and I made the decision to change my direction towards the east. There were ones houses, but a billionaire named Tony Stark bought the docks and changed them to a gigantic stock for whatever he bought. There should be chemicals which I can use to make something I'm missing at the moment.

And what is the first thing you think about if I say spider?

No, not ewww. Spiderwebs of course! Even though a small part of the spiders use them. You actually have four types of spiders that don't use webs, but I would just bore the living hell out of you if I continued to tell about them.

I gained speed the longer I ran on the streets. I started to sprint on walls and set myself off them to go even faster. I ran over all kinds of different materials; metal, stone, wood and glass.

I arrived at the coast in no time. The sun shone brightly above my head. Not that made it any better, because the ashes still gave a grim feeling to the place. The waves crashed against the bricks of the wall beneath my feet.

"Where could it be?" I muttered to myself as search through different warehouses. I caught a glimpse of a white logo in the corner of my eye and turned to see the big old logo of Stark Industries.

I kicked the front door open and walked inside. I cricked different supply boxes open and searched through all kinds of chemicals. I picked out the ones suitable for the job and started to work on them. The way my hands and mind worked together told me that I made it before. I just let instinct go one as I made a formula for the web fluid.

After almost an hour of working on perfecting the webs, the door swung open. One of those weird creature thingies came in and sniffed the air. I grabbed the web fluid, snapped it on my wrist and jumped to the ceiling. It worked last time, so why not now.

I regretted saying that, because the alien shuffled under me. He was staring straight forward, or so I thought. One huge eyes opened up from the top of his head and I looked at me. I thought it was going to stare into my soul, but I snapped myself out of those thoughts and shot a web at the alien's eye.

I slipped out of the warehouse when it was distracted. The mission actually started at this point for me.

I shot at many buildings to move myself forwards. I ripped my mask of in the meantime to hear better. I knew that I was located in the east and that I should get my swinging ass to the south and work my way towards north. Not like my original plan, but look where that plan was at the beginning of the mission. Indeed, nowhere.

I picked people out of towers and houses and sent them on the run in groups with other people. I helped children that got stuck together with their teacher, who wasn't really living anymore. I completed the mission with actively avoiding the alien, which either was my look or my sweaty suit. I would stay away to if I smelled my clothes.

I stood in the middle of the streets as the virtual removed itself from the room.

Tony and Bruce came out of the control room with their mouth open. I wanted to glare at them, but that would have ruined my cover. I almost knew everything that I lost thanks to this so called 'heroes'. I completed this tiny mission, but the real one was far from done.

I had some systems to hack and information to steal.

I had some systems to hack and information to steal

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