Act Eight: A Guide to Hybrids

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A hybrid is the result of two separate species interbreeding. The further apart two species are from each other, the less likely it is that they can produce viable offspring. If they are the same genera but a different species, there is some chance that they can conceive. However, if they are from different genera it is almost completely impossible.

For example, in the animal kingdom, a horse and a giraffe cannot breed as they are from different genera, whereas a horse and a donkey can create a mule as they are both equines. However, mules, and most other hybrids from different species, are infertile.

Demons were believed to be half human, and therefore a hybrid. However, they can still produce offspring and so cannot be. This scared a lot of people when they first realised and was part of the reason that demons were then banished. People then realised that witches must, therefore, be human. They would often breed with humans and their children would be healthy and fertile. Soon, people realised the same for werewolves. Therefore, although they could be different 'breeds', witches, werewolves and humans must all be the same species, vampires already being somewhat a hybrid. It is known that naiads, dryads, fay and Kalamani are all the same species, but it was still discouraged and so no one attempted to break the status quo. Angels have always been so rare that there is little to no research on them, and therefore no one really knows about their role in all this. It is assumed, from their physical similarities but very different genetics, that they are the same genera but a different species. However, that could be wrong.

What worried everyone was the possibility of those two groups to somehow be joined. People were happy to keep elemental fay separate from everything else. It was much easier than admitting that humans are not so different from supernatural people, and in fact, the same species and just without magick.


This is the final act! 

Thank you for reading this far, it really means a lot. I'm very glad you've enjoyed Hanes enough to carry on and I hope you like the ending!

I've planned out the entire act and it's the longest yet (which is kind of inevitable) and looks incredibly confusing - though, that might just be how I've written everything down in the plan... I guess we'll see!

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