Labor part 1

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GGGGGGOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD." I yelled as ezra dragged me down the stairs. Ezra grabbed the baby bag and rushed down to the car where I was waiting. "Hurry  uppppppppp" I managed to say in between my contractions. I got into is tiny car realizng that the car seats were all squished together in the back. " W-E  N-E-E-D  A-  N-E-W  C-A-R." I said fighting back my tears of pain as he sped down the road. " I know honey just keep breathing" He said almost running a red light. "DON'T TELL ME THAT I AM BREATHING JUST FINE JUST GET ME TO THE DAMN HOSPITAL!" I screamed at him right as he pulled into the hospital. He ran to the trunk and grabbed the Baby bag and ran to get me a wheel chair all while I was sitting in the car. Once he brought me a nurse she helped me out of the car and into the wheel chair. I screamed the whole time down to the maternity ward and then cursed all the way to my room. Ezra stayed back to fill out the forms and when he came back I was a bit calmer and I asked for some drugs. They gave me an epidural and I felt so much better, I fell asleep after the doctor check at 4 centimeters. When I woke up ezra was just staring at me. I thought that he was sleeping but when I called his name he responded immediatly, "Is is timem are you hirting, how far are the contractions? I'll get a doctor." He said shooting straight up. "I'm fine babe." I said He came back over and sat down right as a contraction and a doctor came. The doctor waited until my contraction went away and he checked me. I was 10 cm but the baby's weren't coming "Mam we have to do a C section to deliver your baby's. They aren't coming naturally." the doctor said.  A nurse handed ezra some scrubs and I got wheeled into surgery.

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