Ajusting to sleeping alone

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Back to Aria for now :

Aria's POV:

It was 3 am. Right now was when I would need Ezra. The babies were Non stop crying and I, by myself had to take care of them. They were 6 months old now and they could sit up on their own. But that didn't stop them from crying their little lungs out for attention. Once they all were asleep I had no time to sleep. I still had to clean the house. It was a mess. By the time that it was perfect I heard a few giggles from their nursery. I ran in their and they were all laughing. I smiled and changed them into cute baby clothes. The girls each had on white onesies, purple Tutus, a jean jacket and white flats. Elliot, my little stud, had on kaki shorts and a button down long sleeve shirt. It was September so they were dressed for success. I strapped them into their car seats and then into the car for a little mommy help time. I had finally found a teen mom single parent support group. I walked in lugging my growing children with me and dropped them off at the child care center. I walked back to the moms area and sat down to my new friend gracie. She only had 1 baby but she had financial troubles, something I've never had. We started talking about Gracie's new boyfriend Jacob, who loves her son Austin as her own. We decided to meet for lunch tomorrow at Olive Garden. I went home and fed the babies and put them for a nap. I cleaned some more and called a maids service to help me out so that I could get a job as a income coming instead of my money from Ezra. I started to cook myself some Mac and cheese and whip up the babies some baby food. Today, they were all having peas and carrots. I went to the couch and turned on the tv. Did I mention that I got a 72" flat screen?!? It's awesome. I turned on finding carter and watched until I heard a familiar cry. It was totally aubri's. I ran and got her before she woke the others. I took her downstairs and put her in my lap with a toy so that I could finish the episode. When that finished, I out aubri in her high chair, kinley in hers and Elliot in his. I fed them while I myself are cold mac and cheese since they took forever to eat. I took them upstairs and gave them a bath making them all smell super fresh and clean and not like diaper juice. I got them in pjs and made them bottles. I laid each down with a bottle and read them a story. When they all fell asleep I walked out shutting the door ever so quietly and rushed down stairs to my mess of a downstairs. I folded the blanket I used and out it in the basket and turned off the tv. I went into the kitchen and tossed the baby food jars and my nasty Mac and cheese. I washed their spoons and my bowl and wiped the counters and high chairs with a Clorox wipe. I emptied the trash, emptied the recycle and turned off my patio light. I went to my room and got into the shower. It had been days since I had taken a shower. The water shot from all directions and I just stood their after I washed up. It felt so good but I still wished that Ezra was here to help me deal. But after what that cheating pig did to me I was going to keep him from us for a long time possibly even forever. I put on some yoga pants and a tank top and climbed into my bed. Another thing that I missed about ezra. I missed him but I liked this life much better than living in rosewood. Who knows, maybe I will find love again...
























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