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Yerin and I stepped out of the theater.

"That has to be the funniest movie I've ever seen," I smiled.

Yerin giggled, "haha yeah."

"You guys ditched us for a comedy movie?" Sojung interrupted, "SinB, you wanted to watch that movie."

"I know," I said, "but Yerin unnie didn't like it so I decided to take her to see the comedy movie."

Eunha made a face at me. It was one of those "ooOOoO-i-know-you-like-them" faces but it didn't really bother me. After cleaning ourselves up we soon all went to Sojung's place to hangout and talk tea.

"Okay so I heard that the girl who died today during our class, apparently her boyfriend already found a new gal." Eunha said, "and some people said that he was cheating on her already."

"Ooh, I also heard that there's a rumor going around her boyfriend poisoned her breakfast." Yuju said.

I laughed, "who told you that?"

"The girl's best friend I believe her name is, Minseo." Yuju answered.

Yerin gasped, "what if her best friend killed her before hand or something like that? Like with poison or something?"

I nodded, "that could be possible but I'm pretty sure its illegal to have poison in South Korea."

"Not in our distract," Eunha said, "my mother told me that because there's lots of doctors around for all the death, they made poison legal."

"That's stupid," I said, "people are probably poisoning others than but then doctors would've found that out by now."

"Let's talk about something else," Yuju said, "let's play truth or dare! I'll go first."

Everyone gathered around in a circle as we soon started playing, "alright, hmmmm. Sojung, truth or dare?"

Sojung smirked at Yuju, "dare."

"I dare you to..." Yuju looked around the room, "go to the neighbors house and be one of those Christian converting people."

"Alright," Sojung stood up and put her coat on. She left the house and everyone went outside to see what Sojung was going to do.

"Hi," Sojung started, "we've noticed that you and your family aren't involved with the Christian church. With involving your children in the catholic church, your children will become one with God and the holy ones."

The neighbor smiled, "alright, well is there a pamphlet."

Sojung smiled at the neighbor awkwardly and ran off without saying anything. We all laughed together and went back inside. "Okay, okay. My turn!" Sojung sat down.

"Hmm. Yerin, truth or dare?" Sojung asked.

"..Truth.." Yerin said.

"Hmm..." Sojung hummed, "what do you think about SinB?"

Yerin's eyes lit up, "I think she's a really nice person. She was even nice enough to buy me snacks and tickets to see the movie."

Sojung nodded her head and gave me a face, "I see...okay well its your turn now."

"SinB, truth or dare?" Yerin asked.

"Dare," I said without hesitation.

"Okay, I dare you to lay out in the streets and wait for a car to come." Yerin laughed, "and when they step out of the car and ask what you're doing say 'I'm feeling the pain of roadkill. Just imagine if a human got hit by a car and not a deer or raccoon.' "

Eunha, Sojung, and Yerin laughed. "Go do it!"

I sighed and grabbed my coat. The four of them watched me from the window as I lied flat on the empty streets waiting for a car to drive by.

About five minutes passed and a car strolled by and stopped right in front of me.

"What are you doing?" the woman asked.

"I'm feeling how a dead deer is like when they get hit by a car. This is animal cruelty! No animal should feel this way! What if you hit a human instead!" I argued back trying not to laugh.

"Please get out of the way!" the woman said, "I'm in a hurry!"

I got up and walked back into the house. The four girls started laughing their asses off.

"I hate you all," I said.

Finally it was my turn and I chose Eunha who chose Yuju then she chose Sojung then choosing me again.

"Truth or dare, SinB?" Sojung asked.

"Dare," I said again without hesitating.

"Okay, you're confident about this, huh?" Sojung smirked, "okay welll...I dare you to kiss Yerin...on the lips."


Published: January 22, 2019

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