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So there I was, barbecue sauce on my titties.

These darn kids got the sauce on me. Yes we took them home, we had no other choice to. Besides Yerin didn't even ask if we could she just did. So once we did, Yuju thought it'd be nice to have some korean barbecue. So yeah here I am now.

From what we found out the kids is that there mother was driving them suddenly stopped breathing then her eyes went back and she passed out. Their mother could've have just fainted or the worst case here, died.

We also found out the kids' names. One was a girl and her name is, Kang Jaein and she's only four. The other kid who was her older brother who's seven, is Kang Jongin.

Soon we finished our meals as Eunha and Sojung helped clean as Yuju and I cleaned up the kids mess. Meanwhile Yerin was trying to find some small clothes for the kids. Yerin walked holding up a pink blouse, "could this work as a dress for Jaein?"

"Wow," Jaein's eyes sparkled looking at the dress, "that's my favorite color."

Yerin smiled at the small girl, "is it? It's my favorite color too. Here try it on."

Yerin went to the next room and helped dress Jaein in the blouse. Jongin just looked at me. I didn't know what to say expect, "sorry kid but I don't think Yerin has any shirts for ya. Unless you like pink and wearing blouses."

The boy laughed and shook his head, "I was looking at you because you have barbecue sauce on your chest still."


The day was ending as Eunha and Yerin we're washing the two children up as the rest of us were getting a place for the children to sleep. Yuju and I sacrificed our beds for them as we would sleep on the ground.

"Yuju," I say.

Yuju turned around to me when a hm coming out of her mouth.

"Is it rude to ask if those kids have a father?" I question, "like is it rude to ask because what if we do ask that and they think that we don't want to watch them?"

"I-I'm not sure about that, Eunbi." Yuju sighed putting together her bed, "I honestly think it would've be rude if we just left them there in the streets. But if they did have family around I'm sure they would've tried to find them."

I nod without thinking, "what if the family does come and thinks we've kidnapped them and try and sue us?"

"Don't think so stupidly," Yuju laughed, "where are you coming up with these?"

I smiled, "my brain's just curios."

The curiosity in my brain got even worse when I said that. An even worse thought came to my head. No, not one bad thought but multiple. "Yuju,"

"Yes," she answered me back soon laying down and grabbing her phone.

"What if they die on us?" I say, "what if we die and they have no one? What if their family all died and it's just them?"

It was the next morning as we all woke up to Yuju's annoying alarm. I was the first to get up as I hovered over the children to see if they were awake or not. They weren't awake and soon I went to the bathroom to get ready for school. I began brushing my teeth as I thought to myself. Random thoughts floated into my head.

When is the right time to get married?

Did humans evolve from apes or are we just shaved monkeys?

If Jongin is seven would he be going to school...

"Fuck," I say and rushed to clean my mouth. I ran in the hallways towards Sojung's room. "Kim Sojung get up!"

Nothing happened. "KIM SOJUNG!"

I nudged her arm, "hello? Kim Sojung?"

Is this really happening?

Is this the end happening to our friendship?

Is...Kim Sojung...dead?

"S-Sojung?!" I shook her even more, "Kim Sojung? Don't joke with me please! Not like this please!"

Small tears formed in the corners of my eyes. They dropped down to the tip of my chin and fell onto Sojung's pale cheeks. "Kim Sojung? Please don't be joking with me!"

I nudged her arm even more than last time, more tears were dropping down than they ever were in my entire life. I dropped to my knees with my face buried into Sojung's left arm. "Sojung please."

I looked up at the ceiling trying to stop my tears from coming out, "is this really how you're going to treat me god? First my parents now this."

I break in a smile, "you're doing pretty damn well up if you're trying to ruin my life."

Published: February 15, 2019

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