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I froze. Did she really just..say that...?

"I-I.." I try to say, "ugh....okay."

I leaned over towards Yerin. Quickly I kissed her on the lips and let go. That was my first kiss and it was a dare with someone I barely know. My face was red and so was Yerin's. I can't believe I just did that. I have to admit she's pretty cute but isn't this moving on way too fast. I mean, what if she's not gay. What if she already has a boyfriend or something.

The rest of the night went as Eunha decided to sleepover and we just had snacks and laughed our asses off. Soon we drifted off to sleep.

Yuju, Eunha, and Sojung decided to sleep in Sojung's room as those dicks made me sleep with Yerin in the guest bedroom.

Yerin was next to me, fast asleep, as I was scrolling through the internet. Soon my phone was about to die and I decided to go to sleep. I turned and saw Yerin's sleeping face turned towards me.

"You really are cute huh,"

"Hwang Eunbi!" someone kicked my head, "wake up!"

"Hurry your sister's making us some breakfast!" I heard Eunha snickering.

I groaned and sat up, "do you really have to kick me in the head?"

"Yes," Sojung laughed.

"Hey the food's ready!" Yuju shouted.

Sojung and Eunha walked downstairs as I walked my way to the bathroom. I looked at my gay face in the mirror.

I really had my first kiss, I thought to myself, but it was just a dare so it probably doesn't mean anything.

I smiled a little then proceeded to clean myself up. I walked down the steps carefully and made my way to the kitchen table as I saw waffles and eggs waiting for me to devour them. The five of us ate peacefully yet awkwardly.

Then Yuju stopped the silence, "so what do you guys wanna do today? We might not have much time to do a lot since school starts tomorrow."

"We could just go to the mall," Eunha suggested, "I have lots of money to spend."

"Alright then we'll do that," Sojung said finishing her plate, "okay. Who's doing dishes?"

"I'll clean off the table!" I said quickly.

"I'm not doing it!" Eunha said.

"I already cooked so I shouldn't be an option for cleaning," Yuju said.

"Well I guess Yerin and I will do it together," Sojung said.

Everyone started cleaning. I grabbed a cleaning rag and started wiping the table and counters. Eunha swept and helped put away some dishes for the sake of Yerin and Sojung as Yuju watched. Soon we all went to the bedrooms and changed. It was just Yerin and I in the bedroom. Just us girls, alone together, changing. I shouldn't look at her when she's changing I told myself, that's creepy and disrespectful. Yerin turned one way to change as I did the same.

"Hey, SinB..." Yerin said, "could you help me connect my bra strap together?"

Did I just hear that right? She wants me to..connect her bra straps together. I said nothing and went to help her.

This is basically having reverse sex.

I helped her and soon went back to changing. I wore a t-shirt and denim jeans. I let my hair down and walked downstairs. I was the first one down there and waited for the others as Yerin came down.

We said nothing towards each other and just waited. Soon everyone was done and we went shopping.

It was the next day as we all met at school. Yuju and I went earlier without Sojung. I assume Yerin was going home so Sojung decided to help her pack her things. With Yerin gone it felt like a lot of awkwardness was gone, which was a positive thing to me. It was 7:30am as class started in fifthteen minutes. Yuju was in her other classroom that she shared with Sojung and Eunha in another classroom which she had with no one.

I looked around the room, bored out of my mind. I had forgotten to bring my phone to class and everyone was just talking to their friends.

The door to the classroom opened as I saw someone that I thought I would never see again, it was Yerin.


Published: January 28, 2019

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